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Jupyter Community Workshop Showcases Open Source Success

July 12, 2019

The Jupyter Community Workshop for Scientific User Facilities and High-Performance Computing, jointly sponsored by NERSC and the Berkeley Institute for Data Science, was held June 11-13 at Berkeley Lab and BIDS. Read More »

NERSC’s Cori System Helps Uncover the Integral Role of Gluons in Proton Pressure Distribution

July 8, 2019

Calculations run at NERSC allowed scientists to determine the pressure distribution inside a proton for the first time, bringing them closer to a complete understanding of a proton’s structure and the fundamental particles that make up most of the visible matter in the universe. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Hosts Five CSGF Fellows in 2019

July 1, 2019

Berkeley Lab will welcome five Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellows (CSGF) this year. Drawing from diverse scientific and engineering disciplines, the fellows share a common interest in using computing in their research. Each of these talented students is pursuing a doctoral degree in a field that uses high-performance computing to solve complex science and engineering problems. Read More »

CS Area Hosts Collaborative Summit with the Molecular Foundry

June 18, 2019

The Computing Sciences Area and the Molecular Foundry joined forces to hold the first-ever summit to build connections, share current collaborations, talk about joint opportunities between the Foundry and CS Area researchers and facilities, and address the Foundry’s particular computing needs Read More »

Berkeley Lab’s John Shalf Ponders the Future of HPC Architectures in ISC19 Keynote

June 17, 2019

As he prepared to head to ISC19 to give a keynote address on the topic, John Shalf – who leads the Computer Science Department in Berkeley Lab’s Computational Research Division – shared his thoughts on what the future holds for computing technologies and architectures in the era beyond exascale. Read More »

Scott Mason Retires After 20 Years With ESnet

June 14, 2019

Scott Mason will retire at the end of June after a 20-year career in ESnet's networking group. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences to be Well-Represented at ISC19

June 10, 2019

Numerous Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences staff will be participating in the ISC19 conference June 16-20 in Frankfurt, Germany. Read More »

ExaStar Takes Astrophysical Research to the Exascale

June 10, 2019

Within the next few years, exascale computing will take computationally intensive astrophysics research to the next level. However, to harness the power of exascale, researchers will need new code developed specifically for exascale computing. The ExaStar project has researchers from multiple DOE national labs collaborating to develop new exascale-level code. Read More »

Nearly 200 Students Participate in 2019 CS Summer Program

June 3, 2019

The Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences summer student program is back, and it’s bigger than ever this year. Read More »

To Pump or Not to Pump?

June 3, 2019

A team of computer and environmental scientists are developing a computational tool that will allow groundwater managers to plan and manage their precious water resources more sustainably, leading to improved resistance to droughts. Read More »