Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Wang Hall, MS59R3022B
Berkeley, CA 94720
1 510 486 6426

Computing Sciences is located in Shyh Wang Hall (also known as Building 59) on the campus of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California.
If you are visiting for a conference, meeting, or event, your host will arrange site access before your visit. Site clearance can take time, so please give your host as much lead time as possible.

Berkeley Lab operates its own shuttle bus service for employees and visitors. To board the shuttle, you will need a:
- Government-issued ID (such as a passport or driver’s license) and
- A hard copy of your invitation, event confirmation, or an email from your host.
Use the TripShot app to plan a ride, look up schedules, find stops, and for real-time arrival information.

Visitors needing to drive to Berkeley Lab and park on campus must pre-arrange this with their host. Please do not drive if you have not made pre-arrangements!
Hosts will arrange for either a temporary parking pass or a reserved parking place. If you are issued a temporary parking pass, you are free to park in any general space. Visitors are not permitted to park in marked spaces (i.e. orange circle or blue triangle spaces, or spaces reserved for others).
The interactive Berkeley Campus Map can help you navigate around the campus. (Pro tip: You may also hear the campus referred to as “the hill,” e.g.,”Are they on the hill today?”)

Located in the San Francisco Bay Area, Berkeley Lab is easily accessible by two local airports: Oakland International Airport (OAK) and San Francisco International Airport (SFO). San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) connects both airports to downtown Berkeley. Of course, both airports also offer many other options for ground transportation. Check their respective websites for details.

Hotels are plentiful in the area. Two that are close to the downtown Berkeley Lab shuttle stop include the Marriott Residence Inn Berkeley and the Hotel Shattuck Plaza.
Another option is to stay on the Berkley Lab campus at the Berkeley Lab Guest House. Due to construction, however, on-site food services are limited.