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The NSTX-U is a nearly spherical, toroidal tokamak, meaning its outer shell is nearly perfectly round, and the inside is shaped like a donut. A 2018 summer researcher presents a poster to Berkeley Lab Scientist John Wu. (Credit: Berkeley Lab) Two representations show the algorithm's effectiveness at predicting force fields for 54 elements across the periodic table. Simulated storm tracks that match observed named storms and ensemble average accumulated rainfall in inches for the 2020 North Atlantic hurricane season (June 1 to November 30) for the (b,d) actual and (a,c) counterfactual ensembles. (Credit: Kevin Reed, Stony Brook University) In their search for the axion particle, scientists focus their simulations on axion strings, topological defects in the soup of the early universe. Here, an axion string is rendered as a dark blue loop emitting axions. (Credit: Malte Buschmann, Princeton University) Figure: A general depiction of the encoder-decoder framework with an integrated CRF-RNN layer. The input data is fed into a chosen encoder, which then is upsampled by the U-Net-based decoder. Both the decoder output and the initial image serve as inputs for the CRF-RNN layer, which produces the final pixel-based prediction. (Credit: M. Avaylon, T. Perciano, Z. Bai) A 3d display of a simulated High Luminosity LHC collision event as seen by the ATLAS inner tracking detector (ITk). Image: Atlas Collaboration. Running simulations at NERSC, the research collaboration found that the effect of climate change on future storms in the San Francisco Bay Area will be significant, leading to more powerful storms unleashing substantially more water. (Credit: Brocken Inaglory via Wikimedia Commons) Osni Marques has been tapped to lead the Training and Productivity effort in for DOE's Exascale Computing Project. (Credit: Thor Swift, Berkeley Lab) Exascale Computing Project Schematic of angular states and HS-AFM snapshots of protein nanorods in their energetically preferred orientations, corresponding to specific directions of the mineral lattice. Orientational free energy landscape and heat map of relative populations at each angle determined from deep learning analysis of HS-AFM data. (Credit: Stephane A. King, PNNL)
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