Next week, Berkeley Lab staff will be in Atlanta, Georgia, for SC24, the premier conference on high-performance computing, networking, and storage. Running from November 17 to 22, the event will feature Berkeley Lab researchers presenting at tutorials, workshops, panels, and more. The Department of Energy’s booth (#3401 in the exhibit hall) will showcase talks, demos, roundtables, and videos highlighting Berkeley Lab collaborations.
SCinet, the high-speed network supporting the event at 8.71 terabits per second (Tb/s), was built with contributions from Berkeley Lab engineers, including ESnet and NERSC staff. ESnet has been recognized as a Platinum contributor for its contributions to SCinet.
Below is a continually updated day-by-day guide to SC24 programming featuring Berkeley Lab staff and resources. All times are in Eastern Standard Time. If you see an error or an omission, please email [email protected].
Mobile Viewers: Swipe L-R to view full listings. To view schedules for additional days, scroll to bottom of table and choose the day you wish to view.
Sunday, November 17
8:30am- 5pm EST | Tutorial | Quantum Accelerated Supercomputing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Expanding Simulation Capabilities and Enabling Interoperability of Quantum Hardware | Ermal Rrapaj, Katie Klymko, Johannes Blaschke, Neil Mehta | NERSC, LBNL, Tutorial | B212 |
9am- 5:30pm EST | Workshop | Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC | Richard Shane Canon | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop | B304 |
9am- 12:30pm EST | Workshop | International Workshop on RESource DISaggregation in High Performance Computing (RESDIS) | John Shalf | AMCR, LBNL, WORKSHOP | B302 |
9am- 5:30pm EST | Workshop | PDSW24: The 9th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop | Suren Byna | SciData, LBNL, Workshop | B309 |
9am- 5:30pm EST | Workshop | Third International Workshop on Cyber Security in High Performance Computing (S-HPC 2024) | Sean Peisert | SDD, LBNL, Workshop | B305 |
9:02am - 9:45am EST | Workshop | Survey of Technologies for Developers of Parallel Applications — Task-Based and Scale-Free Computing [Part of the The 7th Annual Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives To MPI+X (PAW-ATM 2024)] | Damian Rouson | AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B306 |
10:30am - 10:40am EST | Workshop | Containerized Checkpoint-Restart Mechanisms for HPC [Part of CANOPIE-HPC: 6th International Workshop on Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC] | Madan Timalsina, Nicholas Tyler | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | |
10:30am - 11am EST | Workshop | MDLoader: A Hybrid Model-Driven Data Loader for Distributed Graph Neural Network Training [Part of the Machine Learning with Graphs at Scale Workshop] | Khaled Z. Ibrahim | AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Paper | B314 |
10:50am - 11am EST | Workshop | Bringing User Experience Practice to RSEs in HPC Ecosystems [Part of the Research Software Engineers in HPC (RSE-HPC-2024)] | Drew Paine, Lavanya Ramakrishnan | SDD, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B311 |
10:55am - 11:20am EST | Workshop | Expediting Higher Fidelity Plasma State Reconstructions for the DIII-D National Fusion Facility Using Leadership Class Computing Resources [Part of XLOOP 2024: The 6th Annual Workshop on Extreme-Scale Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing] | Laurie Stephey, Oscar Antepara, Eli Dart, Pengfei Ding, Nicholas Scoville Tyler, Samuel Webb Williams | AMCR, SDD, ESnet, NERSC, Workshop, Presentation | B315 |
11:30am - 11:50am EST | Workshop | Accelerating Multi-GPU Embedding Retrieval with PGAS style Communication for Deep Learning Recommendation Systems [Part of the The 7th Annual Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives To MPI+X (PAW-ATM 2024)] | Aydın Buluç, Katherine Yelick | AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B306 |
11:30am - 12:30pm EST | Workshop | Panel — The Future of Computing [Part of Research Software Engineers in HPC (RSE-HPC-2024) ] | Kevin Gott | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Panel Disucssion | |
12:10pm - 12:15pm EST | Workshop | BULKI: Binary Unified Layout for Key-Value Interchange [Part of PDSW24: The 9th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop] | Wei Zhang, Houjun Tang, Suren Byna | SDD, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B309 |
1:30pm- 5pm EST | Tutorial | The Julia Language for Productive High-Performance Computing | Johannes Blaschke | NERSC, LBNL, Tutorial | B202 |
2pm- 5:30pm EST | Workshop | ISAV 2024: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization | Axel Huebl, Gunther Weber | ATAP, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B301 |
2pm - 2:45pm EST | Workshop | Invited Talk: Mapping Irregular Computations to Accelerator-Based Exascale Systems [Part of the 15th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Systems (ScalAH'24)] | Katherine Yelick | LBNL, Workshop, Invited Talk | B304 |
2:10pm - 2:20pm EST | Workshop | Containerization in HPC Environments: Challenges in Optimizing Performance and Security in Scientific Computing [Part of CANOPIE-HPC: 6th International Workshop on Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC] | Khaled Z. Ibrahim | AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B313 |
2:50pm - 3pm EST | Workshop | GPU Accelerated Sparse Cholesky Factorization [Part of IA^3 2024 - 14th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures & Algorithms] | M. Ozan Karsavuran, Esmond G. Ng | AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B310 |
3:30pm - 3:50pm EST | Workshop | Analysis of Power Consumption and GPU Power Capping for MILC [Part of the Sustainable Computing Session) | Zhengji Zhao, Brian Austin, Nicholas Wright | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B312 |
3:30pm - 3:45pm EST | Workshop | Just Write Fortran: Experiences with a Language-Based Alternative to MPI+X [Part of the The 7th Annual Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives To MPI+X (PAW-ATM 2024)] | Damian Rouson, Katherine Rasmussen, Baboucarr Dibba, David Torres, Yunhao Zhang, Brad Richardson | AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B306 |
4:20pm - 4:25pm EST | Workshop | Exploring the Proactive Data Containers Runtime System in VAST - A Case Study [Part of PDSW24: The 9th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop] | Jean Luca Bez, Suren Byna | SDD, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B309 |
4:30- 4:45pm EST | Workshop | A Performance Portable Multi-GPU Implementation of 3D Euler Equations using ProtoX and IRIS [Part of the 15th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Systems (ScalAH'24)] | Phillip Colella, Brian Van Straalen | AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B304 |
5:25pm - 5:30pm EST | Workshop | CANOPIE-HPC — Conclusions and Farewell [Part of CANOPIE-HPC: 6th International Workshop on Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC] | Richard Shane Canon | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B313 |
Monday, November 18
8:30am-5pmEST | Tutorial | Deep Learning at Scale | Peter Harrington Shashank Subramanian Josh RomeroThorsten Kurth Junqi YinAristeidis Tsaris Steven FarrellWahid Bhimji | NERSC, Tutorial, LBNL | B203 |
8:30am -5pm EST | Tutorial | Using Containers to Accelerate HPC | Richard Canon Eduardo Arango Gutierrez Sameer ShendeMehaboob Basha Andrew Younge | NERSC, LBNL, Tutorial | B206 |
9:30am - 10am EST | Workshop | Comprehensive Performance Modeling and System Design Insights for Foundation Models [Part of PMBS24: The 15th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High-Performance Computer Systems] | Shashank Subramanian, Ermal Rrapaj, Peter Harrington, Steven Farrell, Brian Austin, Samuel Williams, Nicholas Wright, Wahid Bhimji | AMCR, NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B303 |
9:45am - 10am EST | Workshop | Optimizing MILC-Dslash Performance on NVIDIA A100 GPU: Parallel Strategies using SYCL [Part of the 2024 International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC] | Amanda S. Dufek, Muaaz Gul Awan, Jack Deslippe, Brandon Cook | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B306 |
10:30am - 10:50am EST | Workshop | System-Wide Roofline Profiling: A Case Study on NERSC’s Perlmutter Supercomputer [Part of PMBS24: The 15th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High-Performance Computer Systems] | Brian Austin, Dhruva Kulkarni, Samuel Williams, Nicholas Wright | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B303 |
10:40am - 10:55am EST | Workshop | Enabling Data Reduction for Flash-X Simulations [Part of the The 10th International Workshop on Data Analysis and Reduction for Big Scientific Data] | Houjun Tang, Suren Byna | SDD, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B304 |
10:55am - 11:20am EST | Workshop | High-Performance, Scalable Geometric Multigrid via Fine-Grain Data Blocking for GPUs [Part of the 2024 International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC] | Oscar Antepara, Samuel Williams, Hans Johansen | AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B306 |
12:07pm - 12:30pm EST | Workshop | Enabling Low-Overhead HT-HPC Workflows at Extreme Scale using GNU Parallel [Part of the 19th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS24)] | William Arndt | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B302 |
12:24pm - 12:30pm EST | Workshop | A Study of a Deterministic Networking Framework for Latency Critical Large Scientific Data Transfers [Part of the 11th Annual International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science - INDIS] | John Wu, V. Lakshminarayana, C. Oguchi, Alex Sim, Dipak Ghosal, | ESnet, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B305 |
2pm - 2:05pm EST | Workshop | Towards a Cohesive Ecosystem of Workflows, Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Humans [Part of the 19th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS24)] | Drew Paine, Rajshree Deshmukh, Dan Gunter, Cody O'Donnell, Sarah Poon, Lavanya Ramakrishnan | SDD, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B302 |
2pm - 2:20pm EST | Workshop | Recent Linux Improvements that Impact TCP Throughput: Insights from R&E Networks | Brian Tierney, Kiran Vasu, Eli Dart [+others] | ESnet, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B305 |
2pm - 2:23pm EST | Workshop | Performance Modeling and Analysis of a de Bruijn Graph Based Local Assembly Kernel on Multiple Vendor GPUs [Part of the International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC] | Performance Modeling and Analysis of a de Bruijn Graph Based Local Assembly Kernel on Multiple Vendor GPUs[Part of the International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC] | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B306 |
2pm - 5:30pm EST | Workshop | International Workshop on RISC-V for HPC (RISCVHPC) | David Donofrio | AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B315 |
2:10pm - 2:15pm EST | Workshop | Trust and Verification of AI-Based Decision Making for Future Scientific Workflows: Challenges and Solutions [Part of the 19th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS24)] | Anna Giannakou, Oluwamayowa Amusat, Lavanya Ramakrishnan | SDD, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B302 |
2:20pm - 2:40pmEST | Workshop | Improving transition to IPv6-only via RFC8925 and IPv4 DNS Interventions | Nick Buraglio [+others] | ESnet, LBNL, Presentation | B305 |
2:30pm - 3pm EST | Workshop | Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF): A Multi-Image Solution for LLVM Flang [Part of LLVM-HPC2024: The Tenth Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC] | Dan Bonachea, Katherine Rasmussen, Brad Richardson, Damian Rouson | AMCR, NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B310 |
2:46pm - 3pm EST | Workshop | Performance Portable Optimizations of an Ice-sheet Modeling Code on GPU-supercomputers [Part of the 2024 International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC] | Oscar Antepara, Samuel Williams | AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B306 |
3:30pm - 3:48pm EST | Workshop | JACC: Leveraging HPC Meta-Programming and Performance Portability with the Just-in-Time and LLVM-based Julia Language [Part of the Eleventh Workshop on Accelerator Programming and Directives (WACCPD 2024)] | Johannes Blashke | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B301 |
3:30pm - 5pm EST | Students@SC | Students@SC Program: 1:1 Career Coaching - Pre-Registration Required | B216 | ||
4:10pm - 4:30pm EST | Workshop | Enhancing Electron Microscopy Image Classification Using Data Augmentation [Part of the AI4S: 5th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Scientific Applications] | Jordan Alan Welsman, Gunther H. Weber, Oluwamayowa O. Amusat, Anna Giannakou, Lavanya Ramakrishnan | SDD, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B313 |
4:19pm - 4:25pm EST | Workshop | Leveraging AI to port from legacy Fortran to GPU enabled C++ [Part of the 2024 International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC] | Hannah Elizabeth Ross, Jean Sexton | AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B306 |
4:20pm-4:40pm EST | Demo | Network control that makes SENSE | Justas Balcas | ESnet, Demo | SCinet Theater (#2049) |
4:30pm - 5pm EST | Workshop | Understanding VASP Power Profiles on NVIDIA A100 GPUs [Part of the PMBS24: The 15th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High-Performance Computer Systems] | Zhengji Zhao, Brian Austin, Ermal Rrapaj, Nicholas Wright | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentaion | B303 |
5pm - 5:18pm EST | Workshop | Optimizing the Weather Research and Forecasting Model with OpenMP Offload and Codee [Part of the Eleventh Workshop on Accelerator Programming and Directives (WACCPD 2024)] | Woo-Sun Yang, Yun He, Bradley Richardson | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentaion | B301 |
5:30pm- 7pm EST | Exhibits | Exhibitor Pre-Gala Dinner | Exhibit Hall | ||
7pm - 9pm EST | Exhibits, Reception | Grand Opening Gala Reception | Exhibit Hall B | ||
7pm EST | DOE Booth Demo | IRI Fusion Pathfinder Multi-Facility Demo | DIII-D presenting LBNL Superfacility collaboration | ESnet, LBNL, Demo | SC24 DOE booth: Demo Station 1 (#3401) |
8pm EST | DOE Booth Demo | Accurate in-situ in-transit analysis of particle diffusion for large-scale tokamak simulations | Paul Lin, John Wu | LBNL, ESnet, NERSC, Demo | SC24 DOE booth: Demo Station 2 (#3401) |
8pm EST | DOE Booth Demo | PESO: Partnering for Scientific Software Ecosystem Stewardship Opportunities | Sherry Li, Lois Curfman McInnes/ANL [+others] | LBNL, Demo | SC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401) |
Tuesday, November 19
7:30am- 8:30amEST | Students@SC | Mentor-Protégé Breakfast | A315-A316 | ||
8:30am - 10 am EST | Meeting | DOE Lab Researchers Get Together | LBNL, AMCR, SDD, ESnet, NERSC, DOE | RSVP for the event. Registrants will receive details via email. | |
10am- 3pm EST | Job Fair | SC24 Job Fair | Bill Singh | LBNL, AMCR, SDD, ESnet, NERSC, Jobs | Exhibit Hall A3 - 102 |
10-11am EST | DOE Booth Demo | PESO: Partnering for Scientific Software Ecosystem Stewardship Opportunities | Sherry Li, Lois Curfman McInnes/ANL [+others] | LBNL, Demo | SC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401) |
10:30am- 12pmEST | ACM Gordon Bell Finalist | ACM Gordon Bell Finalists Presentations 1 | B312-B313A | ||
10:30am- 12pmEST | Panel | Inclusivity Programming: Leveraging Engagement and Advocacy Practices for Effective Participation by Underrepresented Groups in STEM | Lipi Gupta, Charles Lively, Jean Sexton | ||
11amEST | DOE Booth Demo | Practical Hardware Accelerated Real-Time Multi-facility Streaming Workflow (EJFAT) | Yatish Kumar [+JLab] | ESnet, NERSC, LBNL, demo | SC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401) |
12:15pm- 1:15pmEST | Birds of a Feather | IO500: The High-Performance Storage Community | Jean Luca Bez | LBNL, SDD, AMCR, BoF | B207 |
12:15pm- 1:15pmEST | Tutorial | Real-Time Scientific Data Streaming to HPC Nodes: Challenges and Innovations | Bjoern Enders, Eli Dart, Peter Ercius | ESnet, NERSC, NCEM, Molecular Foundry, LBNL, BoF | B213 |
12pm - 5pm EST | Poster Session | Predicting Dataset Popularity for Improved Distributed Content Caching in High Energy Physics” | Malavikha Sudarshan, Alex Sim, John Wu | ESnet, LBNL, Poster Session | |
12pm - 5pm EST | Poster Session | Comparing Cache Utilization Trends for Regional Scientific Caches with Transfer Learning Models | Erica Wang | LBNL, Poster Session | B302-B305 |
12pm - 5pm EST | Poster Session | Improving SpGEMM Performance Through Reordering and Cluster-Wise Computation | Aydin Buluç | AMCR, LBNL, Poster Session | B302-B305 |
12pm - 5pm EST | Poster Session | New Semi-Implicit Electrostatic Particle-In-Cell Method to Extend Scope of the Exascale WarpX Code | Weiqun Zhang, Axel Huebl, Jean-Luc Vay | ATAP, LBNL, Poster Session | B302-B305 |
12pm - 5pm EST | Poster Session | Performance Engineering and Mesoscale-Microscale Coupling for Wind Energy Simulations | Mukul Dave, Ann Almgren, Donald Willcox, Weiqun Zhang, Aaron Lattanzi | AMCR, LBNL, Poster Session | B302-B305 |
12pm - 5pm EST | Poster Session | SWARM: Scientific Workflow Applications on Resilient Metasystem | Imtiaz Mahmud, John Wu | SDD, ESnet, LBNL, Poster Session | B302-B305 |
12pm - 5pm EST | Poster Session | Performance of LAMMPS-SNAP in Different Runtime Environments | Shubh Pachchigar, Adam Lavely, Rahulkumar Gayatri, Brandon Cook | NERSC, LBNL, Poster Session | B302-B305 |
12pm - 5pm EST | Poster Session | Performance of N10 Benchmarks with Different BLAS Implementations | Shubh Pachchigar, Adam Lavely, Rahulkumar Gayatri, Brandon Cook | NERSC, LBNL, Poster Session | B302-B305 |
1pm EST | DOE Booth Demo | IRI Early Technologies and Applications Demos | [Pre-recorded videos] | LBNL, ESnet, demo | SC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401) |
2pm EST | DOE Booth Roundtable | Outreach and Engagement committee of the Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) program to hold "office hours" to increase community awareness and understanding of the IRI program | Debbie Bard, Eli Dart, Drew Paine [+others] | LBNL, ESnet, NERSC, roundtable | SC24 DOE booth (#3401) |
3pm EST | DOE Booth Demo | Accurate in-situ in-transit analysis of particle diffusion for large-scale tokamak simulations | John Wu, Paul Lin | ESnet, LBNL, NERSC, Demo | SC24 DOE booth: Demo Station 2 (#3401) |
3pm EST | DOE Booth Roundtable | NESAP | Neil Mehta, Johnnes Blaschke, Urjoshi Sinha | LBNL, roundtable | SC24 DOE booth (#3401) |
3:30pm - 5pm EST | Panel | Impact of Advances in Lower Precision Performance on HPC Simulation Codes | Debbie Bard | NERSC, LBNL, Tutorial | B310 |
4pm EST | DOE Booth Roundtable | NESAP | Neil Mehta, Johnnes Blaschke | LBNL, roundtable | SC24 DOE booth (#3401) |
5:00pm - | DOE Booth Demo | Drishti: I/O Insights for All | Jean Luca Bez | LBNL, demo | SC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401) |
5:15pm - 6:45pm EST | Birds of a Feather | TOP500 | Erich Strohmaier, Jack Dongarra, Horst Simon, Martin Meuer | LBNL, BoF | Exhibit Hall A3 |
5:15pm - 6:45pm EST | Birds of a Feather | Toward Integrating LLMs in HPC Software Development | Konstantinos Parasyris | NERSC, LBNL, BoF | B310 |
5:15pm - 6:45pm EST | Birds of a Feather | The Future of NSF Supported Advanced Cyberinfrastructure | Katie Antypas | LBNL, NERSC, BoF | B311 |
5:15pm - 6:45pm EST | Tutorial | Workflows Community: Collaborative Pathways for Designing an Integrated Infrastructure for Research Excellence | Deborah Bard, Lavanya Ramakrishnan | NERSC, SDD, LBNL, BoF | B212 |
Wednesday, November 20
10am EST | DOE Booth Demo | IRI Early Technologies and Applications Demos | [Pre-recorded videos] | LBNL, ESnet, demo | SC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401) |
10:30am- 12pm EST | ACM Gordon Bell Finalist | ACM Gordon Bell Finalists Presentations 2 | B312-B313A | ||
11am - 11:30am EST | Workshop | A Sparsity-aware Distributed-memory Algorithm for Sparse-sparse Matrix Multiplication [Part of the Sparse Matrix Computations Workshop] | Yuxi Hong, Aydın Buluç | AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation | B311 |
11:30AM EST | DOE Booth Featured Talk | Energy Efficient Computing | John Shalf | AMCR, LBNL, Booth Talk | SC24 DOE booth (#3401) |
12pm - 2pm EST | Outreach | US-RSE | Drew Paine | SDD, LBNL Booth Talk | Booth 4504 |
12pm - 1:30pm EST | Students@SC | IEEE-CS/Students@SC Speed Mentoring Lunch | A315-A316 | ||
12:15pm- 1:15pm EST | Birds of a Feather | Applications, Libraries, and Tools in Modern Fortran (alt.fortran) | Katherine Rasmussen, Damian Rouson, Brad Richardson | AMCR, NERSC, LBNL, BoF | B310 |
12:15pm- 1:15pm EST | Birds of a Feather | Kadidia Konate, Richard Gerber, Sergio Iserte, Dmitry Duplyakin | ALS, NERSC, LBNL, BoF | B210 | |
12:15pm- 1:15pm EST | Birds of a Feather | Julia for HPC | Johannes Blaschke, Pengfei Ding | NERSC, LBNL, BoF | B306 |
12:15pm- 1:15pm EST | Birds of a Feather | Operational Data Analytics | Melissa Romanus | NERSC, LBNL, BoF | B311 |
2pm EST | DOE Booth Demo | Practical Hardware Accelerated Real-Time Multi-facility Streaming Workflow (EJFAT) | Yatish Kumar [+JLab] | ESnet, NERSC, LBNL, demo | SC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401) |
2pm EST | DOE Booth Roundtable | Outreach and Engagement committee of the Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) program to hold "office hours" to increase community awareness and understanding of the IRI program | Debbie Bard, Eli Dart, Drew Paine [+others] | LBNL, ESnet, NERSC, roundtable | SC24 DOE booth (#3401) |
3:40-4 pm EST | Presentation | SENSE Services for Data Movement Systems (XRootD, dCache) | Tom Lehman, Xi Yang, Justas Balcas | ESnet, NRE Talk | SCinet Theater (#2049) |
4pm - 4:30pm EST | Paper | Workflow Roofline Model for End-to-end Workflow Performance Analysis [Part of the Performance Modeling Workshop] | Nan Ding, Brian Austin, Yang Liu, Neil Mehta, Steven Farrell, Johannes Blaschke, Leonid Oliker, Hai Ah Nam, Nicholas Wright, Samuel Williams | AMCR, NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Paper | B309 |
4pm - 4:45pm EST | DOE Booth Featured Talk | Implementing Time-Critical Streaming Science Patterns Using Distributed Computational Facilities | Yatish Kumar [+JLab] | ESnet, LBNL | SC24 DOE booth (#3401) |
5:15pm - 6:45pm EST | Birds of a Feather | HDF5 for Machine Learning on HPC Systems | Suren Byna | SDD, LBNL, BoF | B310 |
5:15pm - 6:45pm EST | Birds of a Feather | The Green500: Trends in Energy-Efficient Supercomputing | Erich Strohmaier | LBNL | B208 |
5:15pm - 6:45pm EST | Birds of a Feather | The National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot User Experience BOF | Katie Antypas | LBNL | B311 |
Thursday, November 21
9:30am - 10am EST | Paper | Understanding Data Movement Patterns at HPC: A NERSC Case Study [Part of the Analysis of HPC Systems] | Anna Giannakou, Bjoern Enders, Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Nick Wright | SDD, LBNL, Workshop, Paper, NERSC | B309 |
10am - 3pm EST | Exhibits | Exhibits | Exhibit Hall B | ||
10:30am - 11am EST | Paper | A High-Quality Workflow for Multi-Resolution Scientific Data Reduction and Visualization [Part of the Scientific Data Processing and Visualization Workshop] | Zarija Lurić, Axel Huebl | ATAP, AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, Paper | B311 |
10:30am - 12pm EST | Paper | Resource Utilization and Package Management | George Michelogiannakis | AMCR, LBNL, Paper | B309 |
11:30am PST | Featured Talk | The DOE's Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) Program Overview | Debbie Bard | ESnet, NERSC, LBNL, Featured Talk | SC24 DOE booth (#3401) |
12:15pm- 1:15pm EST | Birds of a Feather | Analyzing Parallel I/O | Jean Luca Bez | SDD, LBNL, BoF | B313B-B314 |
12:15pm- 1:15pm EST | Birds of a Feather | Disaggregated Heterogeneous Architectures (DisHetArch) | Nick Wright | NERSC, LBNL, BoF | B204 |
12:15pm- 1:15pm EST | Birds of a Feather | IRI: What novel interfaces will HPC expose for cross-facility workflows? | Bjoern Enders, John MacAuley, Xi Yang | NERSC, ESnet, LBNL, BoF | B311 |
12:15pm- 1:15pm EST | Birds of a Feather | Open-Source Hardware Tools: Advancing Architecture Research and Chip Prototyping | John Shalf | AMCR, LBNL, BoF | B201 |
12:40 - 1pm, EST | Demo | GRETA/DELERIA integration with SciStream | Eric Pouyoul, Mario Cromaz, others | ESnet, LBNL | SCinet Theater (#2049) |
12:45pm- 1:30pm EST | Awards | SC24 Awards Ceremony | Exhibit Hall A3 | ||
3pm - 4pm EST | Students@SC | Students@SC Wrap-up | B216 | ||
3:30pm - 5pm EST | Paper | Graph Algorithms and Computation on Graphs | Giulia Guidi | AMCR, LBNL, Paper | B308 |
Friday, November 22
8:30am – 12pm EST | Workshop | Fourth Combined Workshop on Interactive and Urgent Supercomputing | William Arndt | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop | B206 |
11:37am - 11:44am EST | Workshop | Optimising Science Workflows with On-Demand Machine Learning Inference on Perlmutter Supercomputer [Part of the Fourth Combined Workshop on Interactive and Urgent Supercomputing] | Andrew Naylor | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop | B315 |
10:30am - 11am EST | Workshop | Enabling Scientific Collaboration with JupyterHub | Matthew Henderson | NERSC, LBNL, Workshop | B315 |