Next week, Berkeley Lab staff will be in Atlanta, Georgia, for SC24, the premier conference on high-performance computing, networking, and storage. Running from November 17 to 22, the event will feature Berkeley Lab researchers presenting at tutorials, workshops, panels, and more. The Department of Energy’s booth (#3401 in the exhibit hall) will showcase talks, demos, roundtables, and videos highlighting Berkeley Lab collaborations.

SCinet, the high-speed network supporting the event at 8.71 terabits per second (Tb/s), was built with contributions from Berkeley Lab engineers, including ESnet and NERSC staff. ESnet has been recognized as a Platinum contributor for its contributions to SCinet.

Below is a continually updated day-by-day guide to SC24 programming featuring Berkeley Lab staff and resources. All times are in Eastern Standard Time. If you see an error or an omission, please email [email protected].

Mobile Viewers: Swipe L-R to view full listings. To view schedules for additional days, scroll to bottom of table and choose the day you wish to view.

Sunday, November 17

8:30am- 5pm ESTTutorialQuantum Accelerated Supercomputing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Expanding Simulation Capabilities and Enabling Interoperability of Quantum HardwareErmal Rrapaj, Katie Klymko, Johannes Blaschke, Neil MehtaNERSC, LBNL, TutorialB212
9am- 5:30pm ESTWorkshopContainers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPCRichard Shane CanonNERSC, LBNL, WorkshopB304
9am- 12:30pm ESTWorkshopInternational Workshop on RESource DISaggregation in High Performance Computing (RESDIS)John ShalfAMCR, LBNL, WORKSHOPB302
9am- 5:30pm ESTWorkshopPDSW24: The 9th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop Suren BynaSciData, LBNL, WorkshopB309
9am- 5:30pm ESTWorkshopThird International Workshop on Cyber Security in High Performance Computing (S-HPC 2024)Sean PeisertSDD, LBNL, WorkshopB305
9:02am - 9:45am ESTWorkshopSurvey of Technologies for Developers of Parallel Applications — Task-Based and Scale-Free Computing
[Part of the The 7th Annual Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives To MPI+X (PAW-ATM 2024)]
Damian RousonAMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB306
10:30am - 10:40am ESTWorkshopContainerized Checkpoint-Restart Mechanisms for HPC
[Part of CANOPIE-HPC: 6th International Workshop on Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC]
Madan Timalsina, Nicholas TylerNERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Presentation
10:30am - 11am ESTWorkshopMDLoader: A Hybrid Model-Driven Data Loader for Distributed Graph Neural Network Training [Part of the Machine Learning with Graphs at Scale Workshop]Khaled Z. IbrahimAMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PaperB314
10:50am - 11am ESTWorkshopBringing User Experience Practice to RSEs in HPC Ecosystems
[Part of the Research Software Engineers in HPC (RSE-HPC-2024)]
Drew Paine, Lavanya RamakrishnanSDD, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB311
10:55am - 11:20am ESTWorkshopExpediting Higher Fidelity Plasma State Reconstructions for the DIII-D National Fusion Facility Using Leadership Class Computing Resources
[Part of XLOOP 2024: The 6th Annual Workshop on Extreme-Scale Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing]
Laurie Stephey, Oscar Antepara, Eli Dart, Pengfei Ding, Nicholas Scoville Tyler, Samuel Webb WilliamsAMCR, SDD, ESnet, NERSC, Workshop, Presentation B315
11:30am - 11:50am ESTWorkshopAccelerating Multi-GPU Embedding Retrieval with PGAS style Communication for Deep Learning Recommendation Systems
[Part of the The 7th Annual Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives To MPI+X (PAW-ATM 2024)]
Aydın Buluç, Katherine YelickAMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB306
11:30am - 12:30pm ESTWorkshopPanel — The Future of Computing
[Part of Research Software Engineers in HPC (RSE-HPC-2024) ]
Kevin GottNERSC, LBNL, Workshop, Panel Disucssion
12:10pm - 12:15pm ESTWorkshopBULKI: Binary Unified Layout for Key-Value Interchange
[Part of PDSW24: The 9th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop]
Wei Zhang, Houjun Tang, Suren BynaSDD, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB309
1:30pm- 5pm ESTTutorialThe Julia Language for Productive High-Performance ComputingJohannes Blaschke NERSC, LBNL, TutorialB202
2pm- 5:30pm ESTWorkshopISAV 2024: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and VisualizationAxel Huebl, Gunther WeberATAP, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB301
2pm - 2:45pm ESTWorkshopInvited Talk: Mapping Irregular Computations to Accelerator-Based Exascale Systems
[Part of the 15th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Systems (ScalAH'24)]
Katherine YelickLBNL, Workshop, Invited TalkB304
2:10pm - 2:20pm ESTWorkshopContainerization in HPC Environments: Challenges in Optimizing Performance and Security in Scientific Computing
[Part of CANOPIE-HPC: 6th International Workshop on Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC]
Khaled Z. IbrahimAMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB313
2:50pm - 3pm ESTWorkshopGPU Accelerated Sparse Cholesky Factorization
[Part of IA^3 2024 - 14th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures & Algorithms]
M. Ozan Karsavuran, Esmond G. NgAMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB310
3:30pm - 3:50pm ESTWorkshopAnalysis of Power Consumption and GPU Power Capping for MILC [Part of the Sustainable Computing Session)Zhengji Zhao, Brian Austin, Nicholas WrightNERSC, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB312
3:30pm - 3:45pm ESTWorkshopJust Write Fortran: Experiences with a Language-Based Alternative to MPI+X
[Part of the The 7th Annual Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives To MPI+X (PAW-ATM 2024)]
Damian Rouson, Katherine Rasmussen, Baboucarr Dibba, David Torres, Yunhao Zhang, Brad RichardsonAMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB306
4:20pm - 4:25pm ESTWorkshopExploring the Proactive Data Containers Runtime System in VAST - A Case Study
[Part of PDSW24: The 9th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop]
Jean Luca Bez, Suren BynaSDD, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB309
4:30- 4:45pm ESTWorkshopA Performance Portable Multi-GPU Implementation of 3D Euler Equations using ProtoX and IRIS [Part of the 15th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Systems (ScalAH'24)]Phillip Colella, Brian Van StraalenAMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB304
5:25pm - 5:30pm ESTWorkshopCANOPIE-HPC — Conclusions and Farewell
[Part of CANOPIE-HPC: 6th International Workshop on Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC]
Richard Shane CanonNERSC, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB313

Monday, November 18

8:30am-5pmESTTutorialDeep Learning at ScalePeter Harrington Shashank Subramanian Josh RomeroThorsten Kurth Junqi YinAristeidis Tsaris Steven FarrellWahid BhimjiNERSC, Tutorial, LBNLB203
8:30am -5pm ESTTutorialUsing Containers to Accelerate HPCRichard Canon Eduardo Arango Gutierrez Sameer ShendeMehaboob Basha Andrew YoungeNERSC, LBNL, TutorialB206
9:30am - 10am ESTWorkshopComprehensive Performance Modeling and System Design Insights for Foundation Models
[Part of PMBS24: The 15th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High-Performance Computer Systems]
Shashank Subramanian, Ermal Rrapaj, Peter Harrington, Steven Farrell, Brian Austin, Samuel Williams, Nicholas Wright, Wahid BhimjiAMCR, NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB303
9:45am - 10am ESTWorkshopOptimizing MILC-Dslash Performance on NVIDIA A100 GPU: Parallel Strategies using SYCL
[Part of the 2024 International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC]
Amanda S. Dufek, Muaaz Gul Awan, Jack Deslippe, Brandon CookNERSC, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB306
10:30am - 10:50am ESTWorkshopSystem-Wide Roofline Profiling: A Case Study on NERSC’s Perlmutter Supercomputer
[Part of PMBS24: The 15th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High-Performance Computer Systems]
Brian Austin, Dhruva Kulkarni, Samuel Williams, Nicholas WrightNERSC, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB303
10:40am - 10:55am ESTWorkshopEnabling Data Reduction for Flash-X Simulations
[Part of the The 10th International Workshop on Data Analysis and Reduction for Big Scientific Data]
Houjun Tang, Suren BynaSDD, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB304
10:55am - 11:20am ESTWorkshopHigh-Performance, Scalable Geometric Multigrid via Fine-Grain Data Blocking for GPUs
[Part of the 2024 International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC]
Oscar Antepara, Samuel Williams, Hans JohansenAMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB306
12:07pm - 12:30pm ESTWorkshopEnabling Low-Overhead HT-HPC Workflows at Extreme Scale using GNU Parallel
[Part of the 19th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS24)]
William ArndtNERSC, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB302
12:24pm - 12:30pm ESTWorkshopA Study of a Deterministic Networking Framework for Latency Critical Large Scientific Data Transfers
[Part of the 11th Annual International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science - INDIS]
John Wu, V. Lakshminarayana, C. Oguchi, Alex Sim, Dipak Ghosal,ESnet, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB305
2pm - 2:05pm ESTWorkshopTowards a Cohesive Ecosystem of Workflows, Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Humans
[Part of the 19th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS24)]
Drew Paine, Rajshree Deshmukh, Dan Gunter, Cody O'Donnell, Sarah Poon, Lavanya RamakrishnanSDD, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB302
2pm - 2:20pm ESTWorkshopRecent Linux Improvements that Impact TCP Throughput: Insights from R&E Networks Brian Tierney, Kiran Vasu, Eli Dart [+others]ESnet, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB305
2pm - 2:23pm ESTWorkshopPerformance Modeling and Analysis of a de Bruijn Graph Based Local Assembly Kernel on Multiple Vendor GPUs
[Part of the International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC]
Performance Modeling and Analysis of a de Bruijn Graph Based Local Assembly Kernel on Multiple Vendor GPUs[Part of the International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC]NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB306
2pm - 5:30pm ESTWorkshopInternational Workshop on RISC-V for HPC (RISCVHPC)David DonofrioAMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB315
2:10pm - 2:15pm ESTWorkshopTrust and Verification of AI-Based Decision Making for Future Scientific Workflows: Challenges and Solutions
[Part of the 19th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS24)]
Anna Giannakou, Oluwamayowa Amusat, Lavanya RamakrishnanSDD, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB302
2:20pm - 2:40pmESTWorkshopImproving transition to IPv6-only via RFC8925 and IPv4 DNS InterventionsNick Buraglio [+others]ESnet, LBNL, PresentationB305
2:30pm - 3pm ESTWorkshopParallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF): A Multi-Image Solution for LLVM Flang
[Part of LLVM-HPC2024: The Tenth Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC]
Dan Bonachea, Katherine Rasmussen, Brad Richardson, Damian RousonAMCR, NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB310
2:46pm - 3pm ESTWorkshopPerformance Portable Optimizations of an Ice-sheet Modeling Code on GPU-supercomputers
[Part of the 2024 International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC]
Oscar Antepara, Samuel WilliamsAMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB306
3:30pm - 3:48pm ESTWorkshopJACC: Leveraging HPC Meta-Programming and Performance Portability with the Just-in-Time and LLVM-based Julia Language
[Part of the Eleventh Workshop on Accelerator Programming and Directives (WACCPD 2024)]
Johannes BlashkeNERSC, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB301
3:30pm - 5pm ESTStudents@SCStudents@SC Program: 1:1 Career Coaching - Pre-Registration RequiredB216
4:10pm - 4:30pm ESTWorkshopEnhancing Electron Microscopy Image Classification Using Data Augmentation
[Part of the AI4S: 5th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Scientific Applications]
Jordan Alan Welsman, Gunther H. Weber, Oluwamayowa O. Amusat, Anna Giannakou, Lavanya RamakrishnanSDD, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB313
4:19pm - 4:25pm ESTWorkshopLeveraging AI to port from legacy Fortran to GPU enabled C++
[Part of the 2024 International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC]
Hannah Elizabeth Ross, Jean SextonAMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB306
4:20pm-4:40pm ESTDemoNetwork control that makes SENSEJustas BalcasESnet, DemoSCinet Theater (#2049)
4:30pm - 5pm ESTWorkshopUnderstanding VASP Power Profiles on NVIDIA A100 GPUs
[Part of the PMBS24: The 15th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High-Performance Computer Systems]
Zhengji Zhao, Brian Austin, Ermal Rrapaj, Nicholas WrightNERSC, LBNL, Workshop, PresentaionB303
5pm - 5:18pm ESTWorkshopOptimizing the Weather Research and Forecasting Model with OpenMP Offload and Codee
[Part of the Eleventh Workshop on Accelerator Programming and Directives (WACCPD 2024)]
Woo-Sun Yang, Yun He, Bradley RichardsonNERSC, LBNL, Workshop, PresentaionB301
5:30pm- 7pm ESTExhibitsExhibitor Pre-Gala DinnerExhibit Hall
7pm - 9pm ESTExhibits, ReceptionGrand Opening Gala ReceptionExhibit Hall B
7pm ESTDOE Booth DemoIRI Fusion Pathfinder Multi-Facility DemoDIII-D presenting LBNL Superfacility collaborationESnet, LBNL, DemoSC24 DOE booth: Demo Station 1 (#3401)
8pm ESTDOE Booth DemoAccurate in-situ in-transit analysis of particle diffusion for large-scale tokamak simulationsPaul Lin, John WuLBNL, ESnet, NERSC, DemoSC24 DOE booth: Demo Station 2 (#3401)
8pm ESTDOE Booth DemoPESO: Partnering for Scientific Software Ecosystem Stewardship OpportunitiesSherry Li, Lois Curfman McInnes/ANL [+others]LBNL, DemoSC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401)

Tuesday, November 19

7:30am- 8:30amESTStudents@SCMentor-Protégé BreakfastA315-A316
8:30am - 10 am ESTMeetingDOE Lab Researchers Get Together LBNL, AMCR, SDD, ESnet, NERSC, DOERSVP for the event. Registrants will receive details via email.
10am- 3pm ESTJob FairSC24 Job FairBill SinghLBNL, AMCR, SDD, ESnet, NERSC, JobsExhibit Hall A3 - 102
10-11am ESTDOE Booth DemoPESO: Partnering for Scientific Software Ecosystem Stewardship OpportunitiesSherry Li, Lois Curfman McInnes/ANL [+others]LBNL, DemoSC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401)
10:30am- 12pmESTACM Gordon Bell FinalistACM Gordon Bell Finalists Presentations 1B312-B313A
10:30am- 12pmESTPanelInclusivity Programming: Leveraging Engagement and Advocacy Practices for Effective Participation by Underrepresented Groups in STEMLipi Gupta, Charles Lively, Jean Sexton
11amESTDOE Booth DemoPractical Hardware Accelerated Real-Time Multi-facility Streaming Workflow (EJFAT)Yatish Kumar [+JLab]ESnet, NERSC, LBNL, demoSC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401)
12:15pm- 1:15pmESTBirds of a FeatherIO500: The High-Performance Storage CommunityJean Luca BezLBNL, SDD, AMCR, BoFB207
12:15pm- 1:15pmESTTutorialReal-Time Scientific Data Streaming to HPC Nodes: Challenges and InnovationsBjoern Enders, Eli Dart, Peter ErciusESnet, NERSC, NCEM, Molecular Foundry, LBNL, BoFB213
12pm - 5pm ESTPoster SessionPredicting Dataset Popularity for Improved Distributed Content Caching in High Energy Physics”Malavikha Sudarshan, Alex Sim, John WuESnet, LBNL, Poster Session
12pm - 5pm ESTPoster SessionComparing Cache Utilization Trends for Regional Scientific Caches with Transfer Learning ModelsErica WangLBNL, Poster SessionB302-B305
12pm - 5pm ESTPoster SessionImproving SpGEMM Performance Through Reordering and Cluster-Wise ComputationAydin BuluçAMCR, LBNL, Poster SessionB302-B305
12pm - 5pm ESTPoster SessionNew Semi-Implicit Electrostatic Particle-In-Cell Method to Extend Scope of the Exascale WarpX CodeWeiqun Zhang, Axel Huebl, Jean-Luc VayATAP, LBNL, Poster SessionB302-B305
12pm - 5pm ESTPoster SessionPerformance Engineering and Mesoscale-Microscale Coupling for Wind Energy SimulationsMukul Dave, Ann Almgren, Donald Willcox, Weiqun Zhang, Aaron Lattanzi AMCR, LBNL, Poster SessionB302-B305
12pm - 5pm ESTPoster SessionSWARM: Scientific Workflow Applications on Resilient MetasystemImtiaz Mahmud, John WuSDD, ESnet, LBNL, Poster SessionB302-B305
12pm - 5pm ESTPoster SessionPerformance of LAMMPS-SNAP in Different Runtime EnvironmentsShubh Pachchigar, Adam Lavely, Rahulkumar Gayatri, Brandon CookNERSC, LBNL, Poster SessionB302-B305
12pm - 5pm ESTPoster SessionPerformance of N10 Benchmarks with Different BLAS ImplementationsShubh Pachchigar, Adam Lavely, Rahulkumar Gayatri, Brandon CookNERSC, LBNL, Poster SessionB302-B305
1pm ESTDOE Booth DemoIRI Early Technologies and Applications Demos[Pre-recorded videos]LBNL, ESnet, demoSC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401)
2pm ESTDOE Booth RoundtableOutreach and Engagement committee of the Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) program to hold "office hours" to increase community awareness and understanding of the IRI programDebbie Bard, Eli Dart, Drew Paine [+others]LBNL, ESnet, NERSC, roundtableSC24 DOE booth (#3401)
3pm ESTDOE Booth DemoAccurate in-situ in-transit analysis of particle diffusion for large-scale tokamak simulationsJohn Wu, Paul LinESnet, LBNL, NERSC, DemoSC24 DOE booth: Demo Station 2 (#3401)
3pm ESTDOE Booth RoundtableNESAPNeil Mehta, Johnnes Blaschke, Urjoshi SinhaLBNL, roundtableSC24 DOE booth (#3401)
3:30pm - 5pm ESTPanelImpact of Advances in Lower Precision Performance on HPC Simulation CodesDebbie BardNERSC, LBNL, TutorialB310
4pm ESTDOE Booth RoundtableNESAPNeil Mehta, Johnnes BlaschkeLBNL, roundtableSC24 DOE booth (#3401)
5:00pm - DOE Booth DemoDrishti: I/O Insights for AllJean Luca BezLBNL, demoSC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401)
5:15pm - 6:45pm ESTBirds of a FeatherTOP500Erich Strohmaier, Jack Dongarra, Horst Simon, Martin MeuerLBNL, BoFExhibit Hall A3
5:15pm - 6:45pm ESTBirds of a FeatherToward Integrating LLMs in HPC Software DevelopmentKonstantinos ParasyrisNERSC, LBNL, BoFB310
5:15pm - 6:45pm ESTBirds of a FeatherThe Future of NSF Supported Advanced CyberinfrastructureKatie AntypasLBNL, NERSC, BoFB311
5:15pm - 6:45pm ESTTutorialWorkflows Community: Collaborative Pathways for Designing an Integrated Infrastructure for Research ExcellenceDeborah Bard, Lavanya RamakrishnanNERSC, SDD, LBNL, BoFB212

Wednesday, November 20

10am ESTDOE Booth DemoIRI Early Technologies and Applications Demos[Pre-recorded videos]LBNL, ESnet, demoSC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401)
10:30am- 12pm ESTACM Gordon Bell FinalistACM Gordon Bell Finalists Presentations 2B312-B313A
11am - 11:30am ESTWorkshopA Sparsity-aware Distributed-memory Algorithm for Sparse-sparse Matrix Multiplication
[Part of the Sparse Matrix Computations Workshop]
Yuxi Hong, Aydın BuluçAMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PresentationB311
11:30AM ESTDOE Booth Featured TalkEnergy Efficient ComputingJohn ShalfAMCR, LBNL, Booth TalkSC24 DOE booth (#3401)
12pm - 2pm ESTOutreachUS-RSEDrew PaineSDD, LBNL Booth TalkBooth 4504
12pm - 1:30pm ESTStudents@SCIEEE-CS/Students@SC Speed Mentoring LunchA315-A316
12:15pm- 1:15pm ESTBirds of a FeatherApplications, Libraries, and Tools in Modern Fortran (alt.fortran)Katherine Rasmussen, Damian Rouson, Brad RichardsonAMCR, NERSC, LBNL, BoFB310
12:15pm- 1:15pm ESTBirds of a Feather
Kadidia Konate, Richard Gerber, Sergio Iserte, Dmitry DuplyakinALS, NERSC, LBNL, BoFB210
12:15pm- 1:15pm ESTBirds of a FeatherJulia for HPCJohannes Blaschke, Pengfei DingNERSC, LBNL, BoFB306
12:15pm- 1:15pm ESTBirds of a FeatherOperational Data AnalyticsMelissa RomanusNERSC, LBNL, BoFB311
2pm ESTDOE Booth DemoPractical Hardware Accelerated Real-Time Multi-facility Streaming Workflow (EJFAT)Yatish Kumar [+JLab]ESnet, NERSC, LBNL, demoSC24 DOE booth Demo Station 1 (#3401)
2pm ESTDOE Booth RoundtableOutreach and Engagement committee of the Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) program to hold "office hours" to increase community awareness and understanding of the IRI programDebbie Bard, Eli Dart, Drew Paine [+others]LBNL, ESnet, NERSC, roundtableSC24 DOE booth (#3401)
3:40-4 pm ESTPresentationSENSE Services for Data Movement Systems (XRootD, dCache)Tom Lehman, Xi Yang, Justas BalcasESnet, NRE TalkSCinet Theater (#2049)
4pm - 4:30pm ESTPaper Workflow Roofline Model for End-to-end Workflow Performance Analysis
[Part of the Performance Modeling Workshop]
Nan Ding, Brian Austin, Yang Liu, Neil Mehta, Steven Farrell, Johannes Blaschke, Leonid Oliker, Hai Ah Nam, Nicholas Wright, Samuel WilliamsAMCR, NERSC, LBNL, Workshop, PaperB309
4pm - 4:45pm ESTDOE Booth Featured TalkImplementing Time-Critical Streaming Science Patterns Using Distributed Computational FacilitiesYatish Kumar [+JLab]ESnet, LBNLSC24 DOE booth (#3401)
5:15pm - 6:45pm ESTBirds of a FeatherHDF5 for Machine Learning on HPC SystemsSuren BynaSDD, LBNL, BoFB310
5:15pm - 6:45pm ESTBirds of a FeatherThe Green500: Trends in Energy-Efficient SupercomputingErich StrohmaierLBNLB208
5:15pm - 6:45pm ESTBirds of a FeatherThe National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot User Experience BOFKatie AntypasLBNLB311

Thursday, November 21

9:30am - 10am ESTPaperUnderstanding Data Movement Patterns at HPC: A NERSC Case Study
[Part of the Analysis of HPC Systems]
Anna Giannakou, Bjoern Enders, Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Nick WrightSDD, LBNL, Workshop, Paper, NERSCB309
10am - 3pm ESTExhibitsExhibitsExhibit Hall B
10:30am - 11am ESTPaperA High-Quality Workflow for Multi-Resolution Scientific Data Reduction and Visualization
[Part of the Scientific Data Processing and Visualization Workshop]
Zarija Lurić, Axel HueblATAP, AMCR, LBNL, Workshop, PaperB311
10:30am - 12pm ESTPaperResource Utilization and Package ManagementGeorge MichelogiannakisAMCR, LBNL, PaperB309
11:30am PSTFeatured TalkThe DOE's Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) Program OverviewDebbie BardESnet, NERSC, LBNL, Featured TalkSC24 DOE booth (#3401)
12:15pm- 1:15pm ESTBirds of a FeatherAnalyzing Parallel I/OJean Luca BezSDD, LBNL, BoFB313B-B314
12:15pm- 1:15pm ESTBirds of a FeatherDisaggregated Heterogeneous Architectures (DisHetArch)Nick WrightNERSC, LBNL, BoFB204
12:15pm- 1:15pm ESTBirds of a FeatherIRI: What novel interfaces will HPC expose for cross-facility workflows?Bjoern Enders, John MacAuley, Xi YangNERSC, ESnet, LBNL, BoFB311
12:15pm- 1:15pm ESTBirds of a FeatherOpen-Source Hardware Tools: Advancing Architecture Research and Chip PrototypingJohn ShalfAMCR, LBNL, BoFB201
12:40 - 1pm, ESTDemoGRETA/DELERIA integration with SciStreamEric Pouyoul, Mario Cromaz, othersESnet, LBNLSCinet Theater (#2049)
12:45pm- 1:30pm ESTAwardsSC24 Awards CeremonyExhibit Hall A3
3pm - 4pm ESTStudents@SCStudents@SC Wrap-upB216
3:30pm - 5pm ESTPaperGraph Algorithms and Computation on GraphsGiulia GuidiAMCR, LBNL, PaperB308

Friday, November 22

8:30am – 12pm ESTWorkshopFourth Combined Workshop on Interactive and Urgent SupercomputingWilliam ArndtNERSC, LBNL, WorkshopB206
11:37am - 11:44am ESTWorkshopOptimising Science Workflows with On-Demand Machine Learning Inference on Perlmutter Supercomputer
[Part of the Fourth Combined Workshop on Interactive and Urgent Supercomputing]
Andrew NaylorNERSC, LBNL, WorkshopB315
10:30am - 11am ESTWorkshopEnabling Scientific Collaboration with JupyterHubMatthew HendersonNERSC, LBNL, WorkshopB315
Last edited: November 15, 2024