A-Z Index | Directory | Careers


Leading scientists, mathematicians, and engineers are the backbone of Berkeley Lab's team research. The Computing Sciences Area's staff and postdoctoral fellows are regularly singled out for recognition not only for individual research accomplishments but also for outstanding bodies of work amassed over their careers.

SciData’s Keith Beattie was elected to the US-RSE steering committee for a 2-year term

SciData’s Keith Beattie was elected to the US-RSE steering committee for a 2-year term

SciData’s Sean Peisert has been named a Distinguished Member of the ACM for contributions to research in securing large-scale infrastructure

SciData’s Sean Peisert has been named a Distinguished Member of the ACM for contributions to research in securing large-scale infrastructure

Affiliate and former LBL postdoc Giulia Guidi is being awarded the SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing Early Career Prize at SIAM PP24

Affiliate and former LBL postdoc Giulia Guidi is being awarded the SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing Early Career Prize at SIAM PP24

AMCR’s Bert de Jong has been named a senior member of both the ACM and the IEEE

AMCR’s Bert de Jong has been named a senior member of both the ACM and the IEEE

AMCR’s Esmond Ng has been appointed the inaugural Treasurer of the brand-new Northern and Central California Section of SIAM (SIAM-NCC)

AMCR’s Esmond Ng has been appointed the inaugural Treasurer of the brand-new Northern and Central California Section of SIAM (SIAM-NCC)

SciData’s Drew Paine has been recognized with an honorable mention from Better Scientific Software

SciData’s Drew Paine has been recognized with an honorable mention from Better Scientific Software

Drew Paine was awarded a 2024 Better Scientific Software (BSSw) Honorable Mention

Drew Paine was awarded a 2024 Better Scientific Software (BSSw) Honorable Mention

David Brown is being awarded the 2024 SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession 

David Brown is being awarded the 2024 SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession 

John Shalf was named an IEEE Electronic Packaging Society Distinguished Lecturer for 2024-2027

John Shalf was named an IEEE Electronic Packaging Society Distinguished Lecturer for 2024-2027

Sean Peisert was reappointed Editor in Chief of the journal IEEE Security & Privacy 

Sean Peisert was reappointed Editor in Chief of the journal IEEE Security & Privacy 

John Shalf served in an Ayar Labs panel discussion about the challenges and opportunities in scaling up AI workloads

John Shalf served in an Ayar Labs panel discussion about the challenges and opportunities in scaling up AI workloads

Jean Luca Bez & Suren Byna were named LBL 2023 Inventors of the year for their work on tools such as Drishti and h5bench

Jean Luca Bez & Suren Byna were named LBL 2023 Inventors of the year for their work on tools such as Drishti and h5bench

Marcus Noack and Dani Ushizima have co-edited a new book, Methods and Applications of Autonomous Experimentation.

Marcus Noack and Dani Ushizima have co-edited a new book, Methods and Applications of Autonomous Experimentation.

Perlmutter System Played Role in Two 2023 Gordon Bell Prize Winning Projects

The two teams that won, respectively, the 2023 Association for Computing Machinery Gordon Bell Prize and the first-ever Gordon Bell Climate Modeling Prize both used the Perlmutter supercomputer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) as part of their research efforts. The winning projects were announced on Thursday, November 16, during the SC23 conference in Denver.

Two AMCR Scientists Win WACCPD23 Workshop Best Paper Award at SC23

"Performance-Portable GPU Acceleration of the EFIT Tokamak Plasma Equilibrium Reconstruction Code" won Best Paper Award at the WACCPD23 Workshop at SC23. The six-author team included two Berkeley Lab scientists, Oscar Antepara and Samuel Williams, along with Scott Kruger (Tech-X Corporation), Torrin Bechtel (General Atomics), Joseph McClenaghan (General Atomics), Lang Lao (General Atomics). The paper discusses creating a performance-portable, GPU-accelerated implementation of the EFIT tokamak plasma reconstruction code.

Five Early-Career Researchers Honored with NERSC Achievement Awards

At the November NERSC User Group monthly meeting, five NERSC users were honored with NERSC Early Career HPC Achievement Awards. The annual awards recognize early career researchers who have made significant contributions to scientific computation using NERSC resources.

Monica Hernandez Honored with Director’s IDEA Award for Outreach

AMCR's Monica Hernandez was recognized for her exemplary and sustained efforts to operationalize IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity, and accountability) in the dissemination and outreach of quantum information science and technology at the Lab, including bilingual content for communities underrepresented in the field, thereby inspiring diversity and representation.

Kanupriya Pande Recognized with Director’s Early Scientific Career Award

AMCR and Molecular Biophysics & Integrated Bioimaging Division scientist Kanupriya Pande was recognized for developing a new algorithm that allows fully automated and robust alignment and reconstruction of high-res X-ray tomography data.

Zhi Jackie Yao Honored with Director’s Early Scientific Career Award

This award category recognizes scientists early in their careers (typically less than 10 years after their Ph.D.) who have made substantial contributions leading to important progress in an area of research or completion of a project. Applied Math and Computational Research (AMCR) Division research scientist Zhi Jackie Yao was recognized for embracing the spirit of co-design and emerging as a critical cross-area leader of Berkeley Lab’’s emerging microelectronics initiatives.

Ann Almgren Recognized with Director’s Scientific Award

Ann Almgren, Applied Mathematics Department Head, was recognized for her leadership in algorithm development, software design, and applications that have led to transformative developments in scientific computing. Through the Exascale Computing Project, she has delivered exascale simulation capability spanning a wide range of applications to the scientific community.

WarpX Team Recognized with Director’s Scientific Award

The WarpX team, which includes Ann Almgren (AMCR), John Bell (AMCR), Arianna Formenti (ATAP), Marco Garten (ATAP), Kevin Gott (NERSC), Junmin Gu (SciData), Axel Huebl (ATAP), Revathi Jambunathan (AMCR), Hannah Klion (AMCR), Prabhat Kumar (AMCR), Remi Lehe (ATAP), Andrew Myers (AMCR), Ryan Sandberg (ATAP), Olga Shapoval (ATAP), Jean-Luc Vay (ATAP), Weiqun Zhang (AMCR), Edoardo Zoni (ATAP), was recognized for developing an innovative accelerator modeling development code, WarpX, which pushed forward the state-of-the-art in algorithmic innovation and high performance computing at exascale — achievements made in the Berkeley Lab tradition of team science. In 2022, the team also received the prestigious Gordon Bell Prize for their work in advancing the design of particle accelerators.

Director’s Scientific Award Honors Cross-Divisional Superfacility Team

A group of cross-division researchers, computer scientists, and engineers were honored for developing and demonstrating the revolutionary Superfacility concept, coupling high performance computing, networking, services, and tools with a range of experimental and observational science facilities spanning multiple science domains. NERSC’s William Arndt, Debbie Bard, Johannes Blaschke, Shane Canon, Ravi Cheema, Bjoern Enders, Lisa Gerhardt, Annette Greiner, Doug Jacobsen, Stefan Lasiewski, Jason Lee, Kelly Rowland, Chris Samuel, Ashwin Selvarajan, David Skinner (posthumous), Cory Snavely, Laurie Stephey, Rollin Thomas, Gabor Torok, and Becci Totzke worked with SciData’s Shreyas Cholia and Alex Sim and ESnet’s Chin Guok, Damian Hazen, and Xi Yang on the award-winning project.

Five CS Women Honored with Director’s IDEA Award for Mentorship

This year, 27 researchers across the Lab were recognized for their significant efforts to foster belonging and access to opportunities for career advancement for employees regardless of background. Among those honored for building the critical foundations of a complex mentoring ecosystem that fulfills different employee needs around mentorship while also modeling the value of team science and cross-lab collaboration over three years are Computing Sciences’ Deb Agarwal (former SciData Division Director), Ann Almgren (AMCR), Lisa Claus (NERSC), Rebecca Hartman-Baker (NERSC), and Susan Lucas (ESnet).

Michael Wehner testified in a Nov 1 Senate hearing on The Science of Extreme Event Attribution: How Climate Change Is Fueling Severe Weather Events 

Michael Wehner testified in a Nov 1 Senate hearing on The Science of Extreme Event Attribution: How Climate Change Is Fueling Severe Weather Events 

Sherry Li was elected Vice President at Large of SIAM for 2024–2026

Sherry Li was elected Vice President at Large of SIAM for 2024–2026

Chao Yang was named on the inaugural editorial board of the new Springer journal Computational Science and Engineering

Chao Yang was named on the inaugural editorial board of the new Springer journal Computational Science and Engineering

SciData intern Ronak Monga, an undergrad at Indiana University, won ACM’s Student Research Competition

SciData intern Ronak Monga, an undergrad at Indiana University, won ACM’s Student Research Competition for Undergraduates for his SC23 poster “Comparative Study of the Cache Utilization Trends for Regional Scientific Data Caches”

Oscar Antepara, Sam Williams, and coauthors were awarded Best Paper at the Tenth Workshop on Accelerator Programming and Directives

Oscar Antepara, Sam Williams, and coauthors were awarded Best Paper at the Tenth Workshop on Accelerator Programming and Directives (WACCPD’23) for their paper “Performance-Portable GPU Acceleration of the EFIT Tokamak Plasma Equilibrium Reconstruction Code”

Deb Agarwal, Ann Almgren, Sherry Li, and Lavanya Ramakrishnan were speakers at the recently held CRA-WP Career Mentoring Workshop

Deb Agarwal, Ann Almgren, Sherry Li, and Lavanya Ramakrishnan were speakers at the recently held CRA-WP Career Mentoring Workshop; see the slides from this year and previous workshops

Three from the Scientific Data Division Win Best Poster Award at US-RSE 2023

Ludovico Bianchi, Dan Gunter, and Keith Beattie of the Scientific Data Division (SDD or SciData) authored an informative and visually innovative poster, "Stagecoaches and Horses: An Examination of 'Monorepo' vs. 'Multirepo' in the Journey Towards Research Software Sustainability." It won the Best Poster Award at the 1st Annual Conference of the U.S. Research Software Engineer Association (US-RSE 2023), which was held in Chicago on October 16-18, 2023.

AMCR Director Stefan Wild Awarded 2023 Egon Balas Prize

Stefan Wild, Director of Berkeley Lab’s Applied Mathematics and Computational Research (AMCR) Division, has been awarded the INFORMS Optimization Society’s 2023 Egon Balas Prize for his fundamental contributions to derivative-free optimization (DFO)—from algorithmic development and convergence theory to practical implementations and software tools. He will accepted the award at the 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.

NASA Honors Reijo Keskitalo for Contributions to Planck Mission Data Analysis

Reijo Keskitalo received the NASA Exceptional Public Achievement Medal for “exceptional achievement in developing novel tools and approaches for maximizing NASA’s understanding of the Universe from the Planck mission data." He is a member of the Computational Cosmology Center (C3).

ESnet6 Honored with DOE Project Assessment Award

ESnet6, six years in the making, was awarded the DOE Project Assessment Award for project completion well under budget and six months before the forecasted early finish date of January 2023 – and more than two years ahead of the forecasted CD-4 date in January 2025. Network Services Group Lead Kate Mace, ESnet6 Project Director, accepted the award on behalf of the ESnet6 Team.

Dani Ushizima Honored with Pioneer Award in Imaging

Daniela Ushizima has been recognized with a Pioneer Award in the field of imaging by the Precision Medicine World Conference 2023. In collaboration with Dr. Lea Tenenholz Grinberg of UC San Francisco, Ushizima is cited for developing "a new and reliable technique for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease and measuring the efficacy of experimental treatments."

Ten Lab Staff Receive 2023 Department of Energy Secretary's Honor Awards

A group from Berkeley Lab – comprising Mike Witherell, Jonathan Carter, Damian Rouson, Daniela Ushizima, Irfan Siddiqi, Jay Keasling, Jeffrey Long, Paul Adams, Kristin Persson, and Katherine Yelick – received the Energy Secretary’s annual Achievement Award for their work on the Driving U.S. Competitiveness and Innovations Team. The Energy Secretary’s Achievement Award is given to groups of employees and contractors who together accomplished significant achievements on behalf of the Department of Energy.

Two Berkeley Lab Scientists Win IEEE LDAV Best Paper Award

"Distributed Hierarchical Contour Trees" won Best Paper Award at the IEEE Large Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV) symposium. The three-author team included two Berkeley Lab scientists, Gunther Weber and Oliver Rübel, along with their international collaborator, Hamish Carr from the University of Leeds. The paper discusses the development of a powerful tool for data analysis.

Two from AMCR Win FY2021 Inventor of the Year Awards

The CSA Inventor of the Year award was presented by IPO and CSA leadership in November 2022 as part of the Area's Innovation Celebration. It was given to the inventors with the most number of inventions disclosed during FY 21: George Michelogiannakis and Darren Lyles, both of the Advanced Mathematics and Computational Research Division at Berkeley Lab.

Five CS Staff Honored With Berkeley Lab Director Achievement Awards

Five Computing Sciences Area employees will accept the Director’s Award for Exceptional Achievement at a ceremony on November 10. The CS Area award recipients are David Brown, Marcus Noack, Talita Perciano, Silvia Crivelli, and Michael Wehner.

Three from Berkeley Lab’s Quantum Algorithms Group Win Best Paper Award at QCE22

“Accelerating Noisy VQE Optimization with Gaussian Processes” won Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE22). Authors included three researchers from Berkeley Lab’s Quantum Algorithms Group — Wim Lavrijsen, Costin Iancu, and Wibe (Bert) de Jong — and National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Julianne Mueller (formerly a Berkeley Lab staff scientist).

Berkeley Lab's PARETO Wins Hart Energy's 2022 MEA Award

The DOE’s Produced Water Optimization Program (PARETO) framework, a collaboration between Berkeley Lab and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) was named a winner in Hart Energy’s 2022 Special Meritorious Awards (MEAs) for Engineering innovation for its water management capabilities. The MEA program recognizes new products and technologies that demonstrate innovation in concept, design, and application. PARETO is headed in part by Berkeley Lab’s Deb Agarwal and Dan Gunter.

Xiaoye Sherry Li and Team Win SIAM Best Paper Prize

“A communication-avoiding 3D algorithm for sparse LU factorization on heterogeneous systems” won Best Paper at the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP22). The team of authors included Berkeley Lab AMCRD's Xiaoye Sherry Li and co-authors Piyush Sao of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Richard Vuduc of the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Best Paper PMBS21

"Requirements for Deep-learning Workloads in HPC Environments” won best paper at the 12th IEEE International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS21), held in conjunction with SC21. Authors were Khaled Ibrahim, Tan Nguyen, Hai Ah Nam, Wahid Bhimji, Steven Farrell, Leonid Oliker, Michael Rowan, Nick Wright, and Samuel Williams of Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences.

Ann Almgren and Weiqun Zhang win Best Research Poster at SC21

"Enabling Combustion Simulations for Future Exascale Machines” won best research poster at SC21. The multi-lab team of authors included Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences’ Ann Almgren and Weiqun Zhang.

Brian Tierney, Eli Dart, and Ezra Kissel of ESnet Win INDIS2021Best Paper Award

“Exploring the BBRv2 Congestion Control Algorithm for use on Data Transfer Nodes” won best paper at the 8th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science (INDIS 2021), held in conjunction with SC21. Brian Tierney, Eli Dart, and Ezra Kissel of ESnet were co-authors on the paper, along with Eashan Adhikarla of Lehigh University. More information, including a Q&A with the authors and a link to the paper, can be found in this ESnet blog post.

Berkeley Lab Receives Multiple 2021 HPCwire Awards

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), the DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI), and the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) have been recognized for outstanding achievements in 2021 by the annual HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards. NERSC, JGI, and ESnet are U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science user facilities located at Berkeley Lab.

The awards were presented November 16 during the 2021 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC21) in St. Louis, Missouri.

Lin Lin honored with Simon's Foundation Award

Lin Lin, a faculty scientist in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s (Berkeley Lab) Mathematics Group, a mathematician in Berkeley Lab’s CAMERA Center, and an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics at UC Berkeley, has been selected to receive a prestigious Simons Investigator in Mathematics award from the Simons Foundation. Lin’s research focuses on the development of efficient and accurate numerical methods for electronic structure calculations.

Robert Saye receives DOE Early Career Award

Robert Saye, a scientist in the Computational Research Division’s (CRD’s) Mathematics group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, received 2021 Early Career Research Program awards from the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Science.

Dani Ushizima Named One of ’25 Women in Science in Latin America’

Laboratory, is among 25 female scientists recently honored by 3M for innovative research that has addressed key societal challenges and brought light to the need for greater gender equity in the science community and beyond.

Bert de Jong elected AAAS Fellow

Bert de Jong, a CRD senior scientist, was elected for “seminal contributions to the development of scientific computing tools and approaches used worldwide, which has enabled advancements in the chemical sciences.”

Esmond Ng elected AAAS Fellow

Esmond Ng, CRD senior scientist and division deputy, was elected for “distinguished contributions to research in numerical algebra and high performance computing, and for scientific leadership."

John Douglas Owens elected AAAS Fellow

John Douglas Owens, a faculty scientist in CRD's Performance Algorithms and Research group and professor of electrical and computer engineering at UC Davis, was recognized for “fundamental contributions to commodity parallel computing, particularly in the development of GPU algorithms, data structures, and applications.”

Berkeley’s Lin Lin Awarded 2017 SIAG/CSE Early Career Prize

Berkeley Lab’s Lin Lin was honored with a 2017 SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering (SIAG/CSE) Early Career Prize Feb. 23, 2017, at the 2017 SIAM CSE Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Established in 2016, the honor is bestowed to one outstanding early career researcher that has made distinguished contributions to the field within seven years of receiving a Ph.D. This is the first year that the prize has been awarded.

Kathy Yelick Named to 2017 Class of National Academy of Engineering

Katherine Yelick, the Associate Laboratory director for Computing Sciences at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, has been named to the 2017 class of members of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE).

NASA Honors Julian Borrill for Planck Satellite Mission Work

Julian Borrill, leader of the Computational Cosmology Center at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has been awarded the NASA Exceptional Public Achievement Medal for "conceiving and implementing the mission-critical high performance computing system for Planck data analysis." The medal was presented to Borrill in an Oct. 13 ceremony at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

NERSC Post-doc Brian Friesen Honored for Outstanding Dissertation

NERSC post-doctoral researcher Brian Friesen has been awarded the University of Oklahoma (OU) Provost's Dissertation Prize in Science and Engineering. His is the first physics and astronomy dissertation to win the university's prize in at least twenty years.
The work led to several new insights into spectrum formation in type Ia supernovae at late times, which had until then received little attention in the research community.

Xiaoye Sherry Li Named SIAM Fellow

Berkeley Lab’s Xiaoye “Sherry” Li has been named a 2016 fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). She is being recognized for advances in the development of fast and scalable sparse matrix algorithms and fostering their use in large-scale scientific and engineering applications. Her areas of impact include computational mathematics, linear algebra and matrix theory.

James Demmel Named AAAS Fellow

James Demmel of the Computational Research Division is among 347 new fellows named to the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Demmel, who holds a joint appointment with UC Berkeley, was cited for his distinguished contributions to the theory and practice of numerical linear algebra, especially for innovative approaches in parallel computing.

Kathy Yelick Receives 2015 ACM/IEEE Computer Society Ken Kennedy Award

Kathy Yelick, Berkeley Lab's Associated Laboratory Director for Computing Sciences, was awarded the 2015 ACM/IEEE Computer Society Ken Kennedy Award for innovative research contributions to parallel computing languages that have been used in both the research community and in production environments. She was also cited for her strategic leadership of the national research laboratories and for developing novel educational and mentoring tools.

NERSC’s Bautista Named One of 2015’s 100 Most Influential Filipinas

Elizabeth Bautista was selected as one of the 100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the World by the Filipina Women’s Network. The award was announced as part of the Filipina Leadership Global Summit held last month.

CRD's Aydin Buluç Receives IEEE Early Career Award for Excellence

Aydin Buluç of the Computational Research Division has been named a recipient of the 2015 IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers. Buluç is one of three recipients of this year’s award, which will be presented at the SC15 conference in November.

CRD's Daniela Ushizima Receives DOE Early Career Award

Daniela Ushizima, a computational scientist in the Computational Research Division (CRD) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has received a 2015 Early Career Research Program award from the Department of Energy’s Office of Science. The award will fund research into developing new methods to help scientists extract more information from digital images produced by experiments.

James Demmel receives ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award

James Demmel, received the ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award for his work on numerical linear algebra libraries, including LAPACK (Linear Algebra Package), a standard software library that forms part of the standard mathematical libraries for many vendors.

Esmond Ng named SIAM Fellow

Esmond Ng of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Computational Research Division (CRD) was one of 31 mathematicians named as Fellows of SIAM, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Ng was recognized for contributions to the development, analysis and application of sparse matrix algorithms for solving large-scale scientific and engineering problems.

Ann Almgren Named SIAM Fellow

Ann Almgren of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Computational Research Division (CRD) was one of 31 mathematicians named as Fellows of SIAM, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Almgren was cited for contributions to the development of numerical methods for fluid dynamics and applying them to large-scale scientific and engineering problems.

Andrew Canning Elected Fellow of American Physical Society

Andrew Canning of CRD's Computational Chemistry, Materials & Climate Group was elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society "For his important contributions to the development of parallel and computational algorithms for a diverse range of electronic structure methods and their application to systems ranging from nanostructures, complex magnetic systems to nuclear detection materials."

Alexandre Chorin Receives National Medal of Science

Alexandre Chorin, a mathematician with Berkeley Lab’s Computational Research Division and a University Professor of mathematics at UC Berkeley, was named today by President Obama as a recipient of the National Medal of Science, the nation’s highest honor for achievement and leadership in advancing the fields of science and technology.

Sean Peisert Wins JSCORE 2014 Best Paper Award

Sean Peisert won Best Paper at JSCORE 2014, an honor awarded by the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Director of Science and Technology. The award was based on scientific merit, relevance to the intelligence community mission, and feasibility of implementation.

Chin Guok and team receives R&D 100 Award

Led by Chin Guok, with significant contributions from Evangelos Chaniotakis, Andrew Lake, Eric Pouyoul and Mary Thompson, all of ESnet. ESnet received the R&D100 award for OSCARS version 0.6.

Aydin Buluç Receives DOE Early Career Award

Aydın Buluç of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s (Berkeley Lab’s) Computational Research Division (CRD) has been honored with a 2013 Department of Energy’s (DOE) Early Career Award for his work on energy-efficient parallel graph and data mining algorithms.

James Sethian Elected to National Academy of Sciences

James Sethian, leader of the Mathematics Group in the Computational Research Division, was one of 84 new members elected to the National Academy of Sciences in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research.

Kathy Yelick Named 2013-2014 Athena Lecturer

ACM Council on Women in Computing named Katherine Yelick as the 2013-2014 Athena Lecturer for improving fundamental understanding and practice of parallel programming, which uses multiple processing elements simultaneously to solve a problem.

Peter Nugent Wins NERSC Award for Innovative Use of High Performance Computing

Peter Nugent of CRD's Computational Cosmology Center and NERSC's Visualization Group received NERSC Award for Innovative Use of HPC for his work with the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) pipeline

Leonid Oliker wins IEEE Computer Society's Golden Core award

Lenny Oliker of CRD's Future Technologies Group received the IEEE Computer Society's Golden Core Award, which recognizes individuals for longstanding service to the society.

InformationWeek’s Top 10 Government IT Innovators

For the second time in four years, ESnet has been named one of the year’s top government IT innovators by InformationWeek Government magazine. The magazine announced its top 15 innovators in government IT, with ESnet cited for its new 100 gigabit-per-second nationwide network funded as the Advanced Networking Initiative and launched into full production in November 2012.

ESnet Named One of Top Government IT Innovators – Again

For the second time in four years, ESnet has been named one of the year’s top government IT innovators by InformationWeek Government magazine.

Wes Bethel 2012 ACM Distinguished Scientist

Wes Bethel, leader of the Visualization Group in the Computational Research Division, has been named an ACM Distinguished Scientist. He was cited for his work on visualization and data analysis for nearly 30 years and being “a well-regarded leader of scientific visualization.

Kathy Yelick named 2012 ACM Fellow

Kathy Yelick has been named a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Yelick was named an ACM Fellow "For contributions to parallel languages that improve programmer productivity."

Hank Childs DOE Early Career Award

Hank Childs of the Computational Research Division's Visualization Group has been honored with a 2012 Department of Energy's Early Career Award for "Data Exploration at the Exascale."

John Bell Elected to National Academy of Sciences

John Bell, an applied mathematician and computational scientist who leads the Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering and the Mathematics and Computational Science Department at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences.

Sean Peisert Elevated to IEEE Senior Member

Sean Peisert of CRD's Complex Systems Group and UC Davis has been named an IEEE Senior Member, which requires at least 10 years of professional practice and significant performance over at least five of those years.

James Sethian and Robert Saye, 2011 Cozzarelli Prize

James Sethian and Robert Saye, mathematicians who both hold joint appointments at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (and the University of California (UC) Berkeley, won the 2011 Cozzarelli Prize for the best scientific paper in the category of Engineering and Applied Sciences for "The Voronoi Implicit Interface Method for computing multiphase physics." The Cozzarelli Prize is sponsored by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

David Leinweber, Advanced Trading Magazine's "Top 10 Innovators of the Decade"

David Leinweber, co-founder of the Center for Innovative Financial Technology (CIFT) in the Computational Research Division, was named by Advanced Trading magazine as one of its "Top 10 Innovators of the Decade" for his work in developing a service that allows trading strategies to react to news the instant it breaks, managing what the magazine describes as "a fire hose of aggregated updates."

ESnet Receives University of California Larry L. Sautter Award

The University of California Information Technology Leadership Council selected ESnet's On-Demand Secure Circuits and Reservation System (OSCARS) honorable mention in the 2011 Larry L. Sautter Award Program. The Sautter Award was established in 2000 to encourage and recognize innovative deployment of information technology in support of the University's mission.

Vern Paxson Receives SIGCOMM Award

Vern Paxson, who holds joint appointments at UC Berkeley, the International Computer Science Institute and Berkeley Lab's Computational Research Division, has been named recipient of this year's ACM SIGCOMM Award "for his seminal contributions to the fields of Internet measurement and Internet security, and for distinguished leadership and service to the Internet community."

James Demmel Elected to National Academy of Sciences

James W. Demmel, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who has a joint appointment in Berkeley Lab’s Computational Research Division, has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). The software and standards Demmel developed over the last two decades enable users to transition their computer programs to new high-performance computers without having to re-implement the basic building blocks. The software is used by hundreds of sites worldwide, including all U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories, NASA research laboratories, many universities, and companies in the aerospace, automotive, chemical, computer, environmental, medical, oil, and pharmaceutical industries.

Sloan Research Fellows

Per-Olof Persson of the Computational Research Division's (CRD) Mathematics Group and Koushik Sen of CRD's Future Technologies Group, were awarded the prestigious Sloan Research Fellowship, given annually by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to scientists, mathematicians and economists who are at an early stage of their research careers. In 2010, Persson was only one of 38 researchers nationally who submitted a winning research proposal to the Air Force's Young Investigator Research Program Sen who is also an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley, received a National Science Foundation Career Award in 2008 and the C.L. and Jane W-S. Liu Award in 2004 for exceptional research promise.

Niels Gronbech-Jensen, American Physical Society Fellow

a faculty scientist in Computational Research Divion's Scientific Computing Group and a professor in the Applied Science Department at UC Davis, has been named a fellow of the American Physical Society, nominated by the Computational Physics Division. He was cited "for his development and application of new computational algorithms and tools in Biological and Condensed Matter Physics, especially those involving massively parallel molecular dynamics, electrostatic interactions, ion implantation, and nonlinear physics."

Kesheng John Wu, ACM Distinguished Member

Kesheng John Wu of the Scientific Data Management Research Group in the Computational Research Division was one of 41 ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery) members named as 2010 Distinguished Members. Distinguished Members have at least 15 years of professional experience and have achieved significant accomplishments or made a significant impact on the computing field.

James Demmel, IEEE Sidney Fernbach Award

James Demmel, a member of LBNL's Future Technologies Group and a professor of Computer Science and Mathematics at UC Berkeley is the recipient of the 2010 IEEE Sidney Fernbach Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions in the application of high performance computing using innovative approaches. Demmel was cited "for computational science leadership for creating adaptive, innovative high performance linear algebra software."

Alexandre Chorin, ICIAM Lagrange Prize

Berkeley Lab's Alexandre Chorin won the 2011 Lagrange Prize from the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) for his groundbreaking work in applied math. A member of the Berkeley Lab Mathematics Group and professor of Mathematics at UC Berkeley, Chorin was honored for "his fundamental and original contributions to applied mathematics, fluid mechanics, statistical mechanics, and turbulence modeling." The Lagrange Prize provides international recognition to mathematicians who have made an exceptional contribution to applied mathematics throughout their career.

James Sethian, ICIAM Pioneer Prize

James Sethian, leader of CRD's Math Group, won the 2011 Pioneer Prize from the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM). Sethian, who is also a professor of mathematics at UC Berkeley, was honored "for his fundamental methods and algorithms that have had a large impact in imaging and shape recovery in medicine, geophysics and tomography, and drop dynamics in inkjets." The Pioneer Prize recognizes pioneering work introducing applied mathematical methods and scientific computing techniques to an industrial problem area or a new scientific field.

NASA Group Public Service Achievement Award

Julian Borrill, Christopher Cantalupo and Theodore Kisner of the Computational Cosmology Center (C3) were honored with a NASA Public Service Group Award for developing the supercomputing infrastructure for the U.S. Planck Team's data and analysis operations at the Department of Energy's National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC).

Jon Wilkening, NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER)

on Wilkening of CRD's Math Group received a five-year NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER) to conduct research in optimization and continuation methods in fluid mechanics. Wilkening is also an assistant professor in mathematics at UC Berkeley. Read more about his award.

Kamesh Madduri, SIAM Junior Scientist Prize

Kamesh Madduri, an Alvarez Fellow working in the Scientific Data Management Research Group, was selected as the first winner of the Junior Scientist Prize established by the SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing (SIAG/SC).

Juan C. Meza, AAAS Fellow

Juan C. Meza, Head of the High Performance Computing Research Department in the Computational Research Division, was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science “for exemplary service to the federal energy laboratories and professional societies in enhancing research and research participation.”

Horst Simon, ACM Gordon Bell Prize

A team of researchers from the IBM Almaden Research Center and Horst Simon of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory won the prestigious 2009 ACM Gordon Bell Prize in the special category for their development of innovative techniques that produce new levels of performance on a real application.

Per-Olof Persson, U.S. Air Force Young Investigator Research Program

Per-Olof Persson of CRD's Math Group was one of 38 researchers who submitted winning research proposals through the Air Force's Young Investigator Research Program (YIP). Persson, who is also an assistant professor in mathematics at UC Berkeley, will work on efficient and robust high-order methods for fluid and solid mechanics. Read more about his research.

Hispanic Business Magazine's "100 Influentials"

Juan Meza, head of the High Performance Computing Research Department in Berkeley Lab's Computational Research Division, has been named to Hispanic Business magazine's annual list of 100 influential Hispanics.

Cecilia Aragon, Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)

Cecilia Aragon, a staff scientist in the Computational Research Division, was honored with a 2009 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the U.S. government's most prestigious award for early-career scientists.

Five CS Staff Named as SIAM Fellows

John Bell, Alexandre Chorin, Phillip Colella, James Demmel and James Sethian of the Computational Research Division were among the first group of Fellows announced May 1, 2009 by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). The Fellows program was announced by SIAM in 2008 in part “to honor SIAM members who are recognized by their peers as distinguished for their contributions to the discipline.”

Excellence.Gov Award

ESnet was honored with a 2009 Excellence.Gov award for its achievements in leveraging technology.

Hispanic Business Magazine's 2009 Women of Vision

Cecilia Aragon, a staff scientist in the Computational Research Division, was honored by Hispanic Business magazine as one of 25 Women of Vision in 2009. Aragon is a founding member of Latinas in Computing and active in diversity and outreach programs at the Lab.

ACM Gordon Bell Prize

Berkeley Lab’s Lin-Wang Wang, Byounghak Lee, Hongzhang Shan, Zhengji Zhao, Juan Meza, Erich Strohmaier and David Bailey won a 2008 ACM Gordon Bell Prize for special achievement in high performance computing for their research into the energy harnessing potential of nanostructures.

Juan C. Meza, Blackwell-Tapia Prize

Juan C. Meza, Head of the High Performance Computing Research Department in the Computational Research Division, has been named recipient of the 2008 Blackwell-Tapia Prize, which recognizes a mathematical scientist who has contributed and continues to contribute significantly to research in his or her field of expertise, and who has served as a role model for mathematical scientists and students from underrepresented minority groups.

Juan C. Meza, SACNAS Distinguished Scientist Award

Juan C. Meza, Head of the High Performance Computing Research Department in the Computational Research Division, has been named recipient of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Distinguished Scientist Award. The SACNAS Distinguished Awards recognize scientific achievement, teaching, and mentorship of underrepresented minority students.

R&D 100 Award

Kesheng “John” Wu, Arie Shoshani, Ekow Otoo of the Computational Research Division and Kurt Stockinger (now at Credit Suisse in Zürich) were awarded one of the 2008 R&D 100 Awards for developing the FastBit indexing technology. FastBit is an indexing technology that allows users to search massive datasets up to 40 times faster than the best commercially available tools

Vern Paxson, ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award

Vern Paxson, a network researcher in the Computational Research Division, was awarded the Association for Computing Machinery’s Grace Murray Hopper Award for his work in measuring and characterizing the Internet.

James Sethian, National Academy of Engineering

James Sethian, head of the Mathematics Group in the Computational Research Division and a professor of mathematics at the University of California at Berkeley, was elected to the National Academy of Engineering “for the development of efficient methods of tracking moving interfaces.”

Peter Nugent, Gruber Prize in Cosmology

Peter Nugent of the Computational Cosmology Center was a member of the Supernova Cosmology Project, one of the two international teams that discovered the accelerating expansion of the universe.

Paul Concus, AIAA Space Processing Award

Paul Concus of the Computational Research Division was the recipient of the 2007 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Space Processing Award “for outstanding fundamental contributions to the understanding of gravitational effects on liquid/vapor interface behavior.”

Lin-Wang Wang, American Physical Society Fellow

Lin-Wang Wang of the Computational Research Division was elected as a fellow of American Physical Society “for his contributions in computational nanoscience, especially for the development of new computational algorithms in electronic structure calculations of large nanostructures.”

Vern Paxson, ACM Test of Time Award

Vern Paxson, a researcher in CRD’s Distributed Systems Department, was presented with the inaugural Test of Time Award by the Special Interest Group on Data Communications (SIGCOMM) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The award highlights decade-old research that remains relevant and insightful today. Paxson won for his 1996 paper showing a new way to measure Internet performance, a task that was becoming difficult to accomplish for scientists.

Kathy Yelick, HPCwire “People to Watch”

Kathy Yelick, then head of the Future Technologies Group and associate professor of computer science at UC Berkeley, was named one of 16 “People to Watch in 2006” by the newsletter HPCwire. The editors noted that “Her multi-faceted research goal is to develop techniques for obtaining high performance on a wide range of computational platforms, all while easing the programming effort required to achieve high performance.”

National Academy of Engineering

David Culler, who holds a joint appointment as a member of the Future Technologies Group in CRD and a professor of computer science at UC Berkeley, was elected to the National Academy of Engineering for his contributions to scalable parallel processing systems, including architectures, operating systems and programming environments.

CRD's Barenblatt Wins Timoshenko Medal for Applied Mechanics

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers announced that Grigory Isaakovich Barenblatt of CRD's Mathematics Group was awarded the 2005 Timoshenko Medal “for seminal contributions to nearly every area of solid and fluid mechanics, including fracture mechanics, turbulence, stratified flows, flames, flow in porous media, and the theory and application of intermediate asymptotics.” The award was bestowed at the International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition in Orlando, Florida, November 5-11, 2005.

Berkeley Lab's John Bell Receives 2005 Sidney Fernbach Award for Outstanding Contributions to High Performance Computing

BERKELEY, Calif. — John Bell, a senior staff mathematician at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has been named recipient of the 2005 Sidney Fernbach Award. The award is given by the IEEE Computer Society for an outstanding contribution in the application of high performance computers using innovative approaches.

Bill Kramer Named to HPCwire's “People to Watch” List

When the HPCwire newsletter issued its annual list of People to Watch in HPC on June 10, 2005, NERSC's Bill Kramer was one of 15 people making the list. HPCwire Editor Tim Curns introduced the list as chronicling “the year’s most influential and interesting luminaries in the HPC field."

National Academy of Engineering

David Culler, who holds a joint appointment as a member of the Future Technologies Group in CRD and a professor of computer science at UC Berkeley, was elected to the National Academy of Engineering for his contributions to scalable parallel processing systems, including architectures, operating systems and programming environments.

Phillip Colella Elected to National Academy of Sciences

Phillip Colella, an applied mathematician and computational scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences.

Two Berkeley Lab Mathematicians Honored for Contributions to Computational Science and Engineering

John B. Bell and Phillip Colella, applied mathematicians at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, have been named as co-recipients of the 2003 SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering, awarded by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

R&D100 Award

Berkeley Lab’s Remote Access Grid Explorer (RAGE), a remote-controlled robot providing two-way interaction via the global Access Grid, has been named a winner of the 2002 R&D100 Award presented by R&D Magazine. RAGE was developed by John Shalf, Zach Radding, Deb Agarwal, Keith Jackson, Marcia Perry, Martin Stoufer, Joshua Boverhof, Dan Gunter and Clayton Bagwell, all of Computing Sciences; and Eve Edelson of the Environmental Energy Technologies Division.

UC Names Alexandre Chorin as University Professor

Alexandre Chorin, a founding member of Berkeley Lab’s Mathematics Department and a professor of Mathematics at UC Berkeley, has been honored with the title of University Professor by the Regents of the University of California.

IEEE Fellow

James Demmel, a professor of computer science and mathematics at UC Berkeley who has a joint appointment to NERSC’s Future Technologies Group, has been elected as a Fellow of IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Upside Magazine’s Top 25 Women of the Web

CRD’s Deb Agarwal was honored as one of the Top 25 Women of the Web in the May 2000 cover story of Upside magazine. Deb received the award for her work to provide reliable multicast communication for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty monitoring system, work which faced both technical challenges and political challenges.

ComputerWorld Smithsonian Laureate

A team of DOE-funded scientists, including NERSC’s Andrew Canning, who developed a computer code to provide a better microscopic understanding of metallic magnetism, have been nominated for a ComputerWorld/Smithsonian Institution Award. The team’s effort was cited as being the first scientific application to run on a supercomputer at a speed of more than one trillion calculations per second (1 teraflop/s). In addition to receiving a medal in recognition of their achievement, the group’s work on the project was accepted as part of the Smithsonian’s permanent collection.

Computing in Science and Engineering Magazine’s “Algorithms of the Century”

The PSLQ algorithm, which was defined in a paper co-authored by Computational Research Division Chief Technologist David Bailey with Helaman Ferguson and Stephen Arno, was named one of the 10 “Algorithms of the Century” by the editors of Computing in Science and Engineering magazine.

Royal Society of London Foreign Member

Grigory Isaakovich Barenblatt, who holds a joint position in the Computing Sciences Mathematics Department and as professor in residence in mathematics at UC Berkeley, has been elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society of London. The Royal Society is the independent scientific academy of the United Kingdom dedicated to promoting excellence in science.

AMS/SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize

Alexandre Chorin of the Computational Research Division and a professor of mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley was honored by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the American Mathematical Society (AMS) with the 2000 Norbert Wiener Prize “in recognition of his seminal work in computational fluid dynamics, statistical mechanics, and turbulence. His work has stimulated important developments across the entire spectrum from practical engineering applications to convergence proofs for numerical methods....”

J. C. Maxwell Medal and Prize

Grigory Isaakovich Barenblatt, a member of Computing Sciences’ Mathematics Department and a professor in residence in mathematics at UC Berkeley, was named the first-ever recipient of the Maxwell Prize, a new international prize in applied mathematics awarded by the International Congress for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Carl Benz Award for Best Industrial Application (DaimlerChrysler)

James Demmel, a professor of computer science and mathematics at UC Berkeley who has a joint appointment to NERSC’s Future Technologies Group, and R. L. Taylor were honored with a special prize for the best industrial application (Carl Benz Award) presented at the SuParCup 1999 competition in Mannheim, Germany. The award, sponsored by DaimlerChrysler, recognized the paper “Parallel Unstructured Multigrid Finite Element Solvers.”

DOE Information Technology Executive Leadership Award

Carl Eben, head of the Lab’s Information Systems and Services Department, was named recipient of the FY99 Information Technology Executive Leadership Award by John Gilligan, chief information officer for DOE. Carl was recognized for his leadership of the Lab-wide effort to upgrade, standardize and make universally accessible a comprehensive range of administrative information applications.

G. I. Taylor Medal

Grigory Isaakovich Barenblatt, a member of Computing Sciences’ Mathematics Department and a professor in residence in mathematics at UC Berkeley, was awarded the 1999 G. I. Taylor Medal by the U.S. Society of Engineering Science “for outstanding research contributions in either Theoretical or Experimental Fluid Mechanics or both.”

Association for Computing Machinery Fellow

James Demmel, a professor of computer science and mathematics at UC Berkeley who has a joint appointment to NERSC’s Future Technologies Group, was elected a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

National Academy of Engineering Member

James Demmel, a professor of computer science and mathematics at UC Berkeley who has a joint appointment to NERSC’s Future Technologies Group, has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering for “contributions to numerical linear algebra and scientific computing.”

Gordon Bell Prize

Andrew Canning, a member of NERSC’s Scientific Computing Group, and collaborating scientists at Oak Ridge National Lab, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and University of Bristol (UK) were named winners of the 1998 Gordon Bell Prize for the best achievement in high-performance computing.

IEEE Sidney Fernbach Award

Phillip Colella, leader of the Applied Numerical Algorithms Group at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), was named recipient of the 1998 Sidney Fernbach Award “for fundamental contributions in the development of software methodologies used to solve numerical partial differential equations, and their application to substantially expand our understanding of shock physics and other fluid dynamics problems.”