In tincidunt facilisis mauris, ut facilisis risus porta vel. Sed ultricies lectus elit, id laoreet metus cursus eu. Nullam nec metus vitae felis molestie ullamcorper vel id felis. Pellentesque non eros facilisis urna gravida pharetra.
In tincidunt facilisis mauris, ut facilisis risus porta vel. Sed ultricies lectus elit, id laoreet metus cursus eu. Nullam nec metus vitae felis molestie ullamcorper vel id felis. Pellentesque non eros facilisis urna gravida pharetra.
Inspired by recent findings on how oscillations and waves in the brain might coordinate and distribute computation among sub-networks, this work focuses on the sub-network level and (1) develop algorithms and learning rules for flexible computation and self-organized reconfiguration of neuronal circuits based on coupled oscillator networks and (2) implement those dynamically reconfiguring neural networks (DRNNs) on energy-efficient superconducting devices based hardware systems. The resulting flexible neuromorphic computing system will have a broad range of applications, including complex contextual and adaptive processing, attention-guided computation, belief propagation-based inference, and coordinating computation in network-of-experts networks. Contact: Dilip Vasudevan
The ExPlor Center aims to understand and realize a biologically-plausible neuromorphic system that is hierarchical, scalable, intelligent, efficient, and high-throughput by (a) taking the ‘best-of-both-worlds’ of electronics/photonics and utilizing bio-inspired intelligent materials, (b) combining dynamic synaptic plasticity and dendrite computing for brain-derived learning algorithms at multiple spatio-temporal scales, (c) enabling adaptive self-reconfiguration for different environments and applications, and (d) exploiting intelligent ionic and photonic materials on the silicon ecosystem for a new generation of neuromorphic computing. Contact: Kristofer Bouchard