Quantum Communications and Networks
Our researchers are developing a prototype quantum network based on entanglement to connect quantum testbeds.
Quantum Application Network Testbed for Novel Entanglement Technology (QUANT-NET)
QUANT-NET brings together world-leading expertise in quantum technologies, optics, materials, networks, testbed operations, and other assets from Berkeley Lab, UC Berkeley, and Caltech to build a proof-of-concept quantum network based on entanglement. Contact: Inder Monga (Monga on the Web)
AI-enabled Control for Enhancing Quantum Transduction
Many CPU-based supercomputers are connected both internally and with similar systems via optical networks, which transmit information as photons. But quantum systems operate at a different energy level which isn't compatible with optical cables. To use existing optical cables, the quantum computer’s qubits need to be converted to “flying qubits,” which could then “fly” through telecommunications fiber to make quantum connections. This conversion from one form of energy to the other is called transduction, a technology problem identified as one of the most limiting in helping quantum computing go mainstream. This project aims to up the efficiency of converting optic signals to quantum connections. Contacts: Mekena Metcalf, Anastasiia Butko, Mariam Kiran
Advancing Integrated Development Environments for Quantum Computing through Fundamental Research (AIDE-QC)
Scientists are developing and delivering open-source computing, programming, and simulation environment that supports the diversity of quantum computing research at the Department of Energy. AIDE-QC efforts focus on programming languages, compilers, and verification, and debugging of quantum simulations. All of this will be packaged in an integrated software development environment. Contact: Bert de Jong (de Jong on the Web)
Berkeley Lab, UC Berkeley, Caltech to Build Quantum Network Testbed
Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley will be home to a cutting-edge quantum network testbed, thanks to a new five-year, $12.5 million funding award from the U.S. Department of Energy. Read More »
New DOE Blueprint to Pave the Way for a Nationwide Quantum Internet
In this Q&A with ESnet Director Inder Monga, he discusses ESnet's role in efforts to build scalable quantum communication networks and what it will take to create the first quantum Internet. Read More »