Duration and Privacy

The formal duration of the first cycle of this program is February-November, though relationships are encouraged to continue further if mutually beneficial.

Mentees will not be matched with their supervisor or work lead, and HR do not have knowledge of matches. Mentors and mentees may disclose their participation in the program generally, without revealing their partner’s name. If mutually agreed, the mentor and mentee can choose to disclose their relationship to a third party.

Both Mentors and Proteges/Mentees

Both parties commit to the following:

  • Attend a 2-hour training session
  • Jointly set expectations and time commitments. The recommended meeting frequency is 1 hour once or twice a month.
  • Provide a trustworthy, respectful, and confidential environment
  • Participate in a mid-program and end-of-program evaluation survey


Proteges/Mentees commit to the following:

  • Embrace ownership and responsibility for their mentorship
  • Come prepared to meetings, with topics and goals identified and questions and ideas to explore
  • Be open to constructive feedback and learning new things
  • Seek counsel and advice while working towards independence
  • Be respectful of the mentor’s time and resources


Mentors commit to the following:

  • Value and respect differences and be culturally aware
  • Ask their mentees questions that will generate thought and guide them to find solutions rather than provide solutions
  • Encourage mentees to set the agenda and pace

CSA Mentoring Leads

The CSA Mentoring Leads to the following roles and expectations:

  • Design, advise, and promote the program
  • Match mentees and mentors
  • Maintain confidentiality of participants and information shared in the sign-up form
  • Be cognizant of bias and blindspots in the matching process
  • Field questions on the program
  • Review survey results and suggest improvements the program
Last edited: October 31, 2024