Quantum Computing, Mathematics, and Physics Summer Camp (QCaMP)

The Quantum Systems Accelerator (QSA), a National QIS Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, dedicates special efforts to education and outreach in the fast-growing, developing field of quantum information science and technology. At QCaMP (Quantum, Computing, Mathematics, & Physics), high school students and teachers in New Mexico and California will get a primer on computing fundamentals, learn hands-on about quantum physics, and apply those phenomena to solve computing problems in new ways. With separate programs for high school teachers and students, QCaMP is FREE, and participants receive a learning stipend. You will gain experience creating circuits on a real-world quantum computer and gain access to learning resources. The only prerequisites for this camp are basic algebra and an interest in learning more! 2024 Summer Dates are TBD. If you’re a student in New Mexico and California, be sure to submit your interest to apply early.

Experiences in Research (EinR)

Experiences in Research (EinR) is an internship program for high school students to gain hands-on experience with professionals at Berkeley Lab. Students spend six weeks over the summer working directly on cutting-edge projects alongside experts in STEM (science technology engineering mathematics) and STEM-adjacent careers. Projects are focused on different aspects of STEM professions, such as administration, science communication, data science, experimental research, and more. Students will be able to express their interests and project preferences in the application process to develop skills in their preferred field, but they will not be allowed to contact mentors directly during the application submission process.