Postdoctoral scholars have long been vital to Berkeley Lab’s research and development pipeline. In an effort to help them bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and effective dissemination of scientific knowledge, Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences (CS Area) hosts an annual CS Area Postdoc Symposium.

Dozens of people view a speaker during the 2024 postdoc symposium. Siyuan Niu and Ishan Srivastava answer questions during the 2024 Postdoc Symposium event.

In the weeks leading up to the event, symposium participants receive communications training and coaching to help them fine-tune messaging and a research presentation. On the day of the symposium, participants share a 10-minute slide presentation with an audience of peers, mentors, and coworkers. They also receive a video recording of this presentation that they can learn from and share with prospective employers.  

Stefan Wild Morning Session Group 1 speakers answer questions during the first morning break. (Credit: Linda Vu)

This program is open to postdocs in the CS Area. The event is typically held in February, although the date varies. The call for participation typically goes out in December or January, please keep an eye out for an email from your group leads or division directors.

David Brown A young man with a beard and suit jacket gestures to a scientific diagram on a large monitor screen. A young woman wearing glasses and a beige sweater speaks at a podium during the 2023 Postdoc Symposium event.
Last edited: January 7, 2025