IDEA in Computing Sciences
In the Computing Sciences Area, we share the collective vision of Berkeley Lab that "IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity, and accountability) are key enablers to accomplishing our Lab’s vision of bringing science solutions to the world, and are critical components of our Lab’s stewardship efforts. IDEA principles are inextricably linked to our values of team science, service, trust, innovation, and respect. IDEA produces high-performing teams, and drives meaningful impact and outcomes."
Who We Are
Within the Computing Sciences Area, we have a CSA DEI Coordinators group to coordinate the activities of the IDEA-related activities of the four divisions that comprise the CS Area. We also have representatives to the lab-wide IDEA Chairs Council, which is made up of representatives from all Lab Area and Division IDEA Committees, the nine Employee Resource Groups, the DEI professional committees and the members of the IDEA Working Groups.
We also have division-specific committees of people focused on different aspects of IDEA: the AMCR / SciData IDEA Working Group, the ESNet Working Group, and the NERSC Working Groups.
Interested in learning more?
Anyone who is interested is welcome to join! Please contact your division's contact person to find out more!