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Reaching for the Stars to Create Music of the Universe

January 25, 2010

Scientists are quite familiar with what a supernova looks like—when these stars are destroyed in the most massive explosions in the universe, they leave their mark as one of the brightest objects in space, at least for several weeks. Read More »

ESnet Gets a Jump on Implementing DNS Security

January 6, 2010

The Department of Energy (DOE) has finished implementing Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) to its high-performance Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) using a commercial appliance to digitally sign Domain Name System records and manage cryptographic keys. The signed records were published last month, in December 2009, ahead of a mandate from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requiring government networks outside of the .gov domain to do so. Read More »

Worm's Eye View: Molecular Worm Algorithm Navigates Inside Chemical Labyrinth

January 5, 2010

With the passage of a molecule through the labyrinth of a chemical system being so critical to catalysis and other important chemical processes, computer simulations are frequently used to model potential molecule/labyrinth interactions. In the past, such simulations have been expensive and time-consuming to carry out, but now researchers with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have developed a new algorithm that should make future simulations easier and faster to compute, and yield much more accurate results. Read More »