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A Summer at Berkeley Lab Spurs College Student’s Quantum Computing Aspirations

September 21, 2022

After two months interning at Berkeley Lab, quantum information science and technology have moved to the top of this college senior's list. Read More »

Quantum Computing Captivates NERSC Summer Student

September 12, 2022

For Dhilan Nag, a high school student from Texas, spending the summer working with NERSC developing hybrid classical-quantum algorithms has been inspirational. Read More »

Materials Science Simulation Achieves Extreme Performance at NERSC

September 6, 2022

Powered by the new Perlmutter system at NERSC at Berkeley Lab, a team of researchers led by Paderborn University scientists Thomas D. Kühne and Christian Plessl used a new mixed-precision method to conduct the first electronic structure simulation that executed more than quintillion operations per second. Read More »

Future-Oriented Report Contributes a Next Step in the Application of Computing to Scientific Discovery

August 30, 2022

Berkeley Lab's Shreyas Cholia contributed to a recent report about the use of automated workflows in science. Among other findings, the report urges more investment in developing standards and practices to assure data is findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable, or FAIR. Read More »

NERSC Summer Student Enhances Genomic Sequencing Alignment on GPU Architectures

August 29, 2022

Ph.D. student LeAnn Lindsey spent this summer working at NERSC developing and applying a GPU-accelerated computer code that addresses a challenging problem in biological sequencing alignment. Read More »

Summer Program Sparks High School Students’ Interest in Quantum Computing

August 23, 2022

Two high school students collaborated with the Applied Computing for Scientific Discovery group this summer as part of Berkeley Lab's Experiences in Research program. Read More »

Summer Research Program Wraps with Poster Sessions

August 17, 2022

The Computing Sciences Area Summer Program wrapped up another successful year with both virtual and physical poster sessions. Read More »

NERSC Summer Student Applies Machine Learning to Particle Accelerator Design Challenge

August 16, 2022

Graduate student Mikaela Meitz spent the summer working with NERSC to address long-standing challenges in the design of particle accelerators. Read More »

NERSC Summer Student Works Toward Machine Learning For a Rainy Day

August 15, 2022

As part of the 2022 Berkeley Lab Summer Student program, UC Berkeley PhD student James Duncan works to improve the resolution of precipitation models using machine learning, aiming to produce more accurate weather prediction. Read More »

Exascale Application Project Targets Carbon Capture and Storage

August 15, 2022

Carbon capture and storage technologies are promising approaches for reducing CO2 emissions, but one of the biggest challenges in deploying them is the scale-up from laboratory design to industrial scale. The MFIX-Exa software subproject of the DOE’s Exascale Computing Project is helping achieve that scaling using the AMReX software framework developed at Berkeley Lab. Read More »