Overview of ISM (Integrated Safety Management)
What is ISM?
The objective of ISM is to perform work in a safe and environmentally sound manner. More specifically, as described in DOE P 450.4, Safety Management System Policy: "The Department and Contractors must systematically integrate safety into management and work practices at all levels so that missions are accomplished while protecting the public, the worker, and the environment. This is to be accomplished through effective integration of safety management into all facets of work planning and execution."
The Five Core Functions of ISM:
- Define the scope of work
- Analyze the hazards (including environmental impacts)
- Develop and implement hazard controls (including environmental controls)
- Perform work within controls
- Provide feedback and continuous improvement
These Five ISM Core Functions are sustained by applying the Seven Guiding Principles of ISM:
- Line management responsibility for safety
- Clear roles and responsibilities
- Competence commensurate with responsibilities
- Balanced priorities
- Identification of ES&H standards and requirements
- Hazard controls (including environmental controls) tailored to the work being performed
- Operations authorization
Each employee is responsible for ensuring their own safety.
ISM Checklist:
- What will I be doing?
- Do I know what the hazards are?
- Do I have everything I need to do the job safely: training , tools, time, and authorization?
- Am I doing the job safely?
- What can we do better?
The Computing Sciences (CS) Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Plan provides guidance for the implementation of the integrated environment, safety and health (ES&H) policies within the Computing Sciences Area. CS has integrated each of the five functions and seven guiding principles of Integrated Safety Management (ISM) from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) ISM Plan into its ongoing research and operations.
The Laboratory’s ES&H policies and requirements are contained in: PUB-201, Requirements and Policies Manual (RPM); PUB-3000, ES&H Manual, and PUB-3140, Integrated Environment, Safety, & Health Management Plan. The ISM Plan describes the mechanisms that are applied in Computing Sciences to ensure proper implementation of these safety policies.
The latest version of the Computing Sciences Area ISM Plan is located here.
Additional information on ISM can be found here.
If you have a safety question or encounter an abnormal situation, contact your supervisor and Safety Coordinator.