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Kennedy High IT Students Spend a Week at the Lab Making Connections

June 20, 2017

Ten students from the IT Academy at Richmond’s Kennedy High School spent the first week of their summer vacation getting hands-on experience in high-speed networking and getting first-hand advice on planning their future. The students and IT Academy lead teacher LaRue Moore participated in the June 12-16 pilot workshop introducing them to networking for science. The five-day workshop include a 30-minute instructional presentations followed by 30 minutes of hands-on work, a sequence developed… Read More »

NERSC Student Cluster Competition Team Ready for ISC17

June 14, 2017

Five former NERSC interns and one current student assistant are joining forces to participate in the Student Cluster Competition at ISC17, June 18-22 in Frankfurt, Germany. Read More »

Simulations Pinpoint Atomic-level Defects in Solar Cell Nanostructures

June 8, 2017

Heterogeneous nanostructured materials are widely used in various optoelectronic devices, including solar cells. However, the nano-interfaces contain structural defects that can affect the performance of optoelectronic devices. Running calculations at NERSC, researchers found the root cause of the defects in two materials and provided design rules to avoid them. Read More »

Erich Strohmaier Named ISC 2017 Conference Fellow

June 6, 2017

The ISC High Performance conference (ISC 2017) named Berkeley Lab’s Eric Strohmaier an ISC Fellow. Strohmaier is known internationally for his role as a founding editor of the twice-yearly TOP500 list of the world’s top supercomputers. Read More »

New Employee Profiles - June 2017

June 1, 2017

Introducing Teng Wang. Read More »

Record-breaking 45-qubit Quantum Computing Simulation Run at NERSC

June 1, 2017

Researchers from ETH Zurich in Switzerland used the Cori supercomputer at NERSC to simulate a 45-qubit circuit, the largest simulation of a quantum computer ever achieved. They also used the Roofline software toolkit developed in Berkeley Lab's Computational Research Division to enhance code performance. Read More »

A Fresh Math Perspective Opens New Possibilities for Computational Chemistry

May 19, 2017

A new mathematical “shortcut” developed by Berkeley Lab researchers is speeding up molecular absorption calculations by a factor of five, so simulations that used to take 10 to 15 hours to compute can now be done in approximately 2.5 hours. These algorithms will be incorporated in an upcoming release of the widely used NWChem computational chemistry software suite later this year. Read More »

HPC4Mfg Paper Manufacturing Project Yields First Results

May 15, 2017

Simulations run at NERSC as part of a unique collaboration comprising Berkeley Lab, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and an industry consortium could help U.S. paper manufacturers significantly reduce production costs and increase energy efficiencies. Read More »

New Employee Profiles - May 2017

May 1, 2017

Introducing Gonzalo P. Rodrigo Álvarez and Sartaj Baveja. Read More »

Roofline Model Boosts Manycore Code Optimization Efforts

May 1, 2017

A software toolkit developed in Berkeley Lab's Computational Research Division to better understand supercomputer performance is now being used to boost application performance for researchers running codes at NERSC and other supercomputing facilities. Read More »