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Taming Plasma Fusion Snakes

January 24, 2014

Controlled nuclear fusion has held the promise of a safe, clean, sustainable energy resource for decades. Now, with concerns over global climate change growing, the ability to produce a reliable carbon-free energy source has taken on new urgency. Fifty years of nuclear fusion research has brought many advances, but technical hurdles remain. Fortunately, supercomputing resources at Department of Energy’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing center (NERSC) are helping … Read More »

David Skinner Named NERSC Strategic Partnerships Lead

January 24, 2014

This month NERSC created a new position—Strategic Partnerships Lead, to identify new science communities that can benefit from NERSC resources. David Skinner, 15-year NERSC veteran and former head of the facility’s Outreach Software and Programming Group, will fill the role. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Mathematicians Develop Framework for Nanocrystallography Analysis

January 14, 2014

Jeffrey Donatelli and James Sethian develop mathematical tools to improve the reconstruction of images in the emerging field of X-ray nanocrystallography. Read More »

Are Earths Rare? Perhaps Not

January 13, 2014

One out of every five sun-like stars in our Milky Way galaxy has an Earth-sized planet orbiting it in the Goldilocks zone—not too hot, not too cold—where surface temperatures should be compatible with liquid water, according to a statistical analysis of data from NASA’s Kepler spacecraft. Read More »

Kennedy High Graduates Get Hands-On Experience Working in Computing Sciences

January 10, 2014

From a connection that started between soccer parents, Berkeley Lab’s Computing Sciences organization has developed an ongoing outreach program with the IT Academy at Kennedy High School in Richmond. This summer, that connection led to summer jobs for three Kennedy graduates, giving them hands-on experience and a paycheck. Read More »

BOSS Measures the Universe to One-Percent Accuracy

January 8, 2014

The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey announced that it has measured the scale of the universe’s structure to an accuracy of one percent. This and future measurements at this precision are the key to determining the nature of dark energy. Read More »

NERSC Kicks Off 40th Anniversary With 2014 Calendar

January 2, 2014

NERSC is kicking off a year-long celebration of its 40th anniversary with a free, downloadable 2014 calendar that takes a unique look back at the center's supercomputing history. Read More »

January 2014 - Newsbytes

January 1, 2014

January 2014 NewsBytes Read More »

January 2014 - New Employee Profiles

January 1, 2014

Introducing: Wei Hu, Scientific Computing Group Read More »