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NERSC to Provide Resources to INCITE Projects Studying Combustion, Fusion Energy, Materials and Accelerator Design

December 19, 2008

BERKELEY, CA — Researchers tackling some of the most challenging scientific problems, from improving energy efficiency in combustion devices to developing new particle accelerators for scientific discovery to studying properties of new materials, have been awarded access to supercomputing resources at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC). The awards, announced Dec. 16 by DOE’s Office of Science, are made under the Innovative… Read More »

A Rising Tide of Cosmic Data

December 10, 2008

In 1998 the balloon-borne BOOMERANG and MAXIMA experiments made what were then the highest-resolution measurements of minute variations in the temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). Read More »

Advancing the science of advancing interfaces

December 5, 2008

Mathematician James Sethian works on the edge. He confronts one of the most challenging problems in physics: capturing the behavior of moving interfaces, the edges where one material pushes into or retreats from another – where a gas mixes and burns, where metals or coatings meet silicon chips, even where ink meets air. Read More »

Latest Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) Data Management System Update Release

December 4, 2008

WALNUT CREEK, CA--Version 2.4 of the Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) data management system, a resource provided to the scientific community for microbial genome data analysis, has now been released. Hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI), IMG has built a popular following as reflected in the overwhelming response to IMG workshops offered in Spring 2008, now full. DOE JGI has added a fall session, September 15-19, 2008. Registration is now open at http://www.jgi.doe.gov/meetings/mgm/. Read More »

Video: Intel, M'soft launch parallel lab

December 2, 2008

BERKELEY, Calif. — Researchers officially christened the Parallel Computing Lab here Monday (Dec. 1) in a newly renovated space at the University of California, Berkeley. The center has been conducting work for several months to define a new parallel programming model for tomorrow's many-core processors that could replace serial methods that have served mainstream computing since its inception. Read More »

Integrated Microbial Genomics Reaches Out to Include Human Microbial Communities

December 1, 2008

“We live in a microbial world,” says Nikos Kyrpides of Berkeley Lab’s Genomics Division. “There are millions of organisms in one drop of water and even more in soil. Life on our planet cannot be sustained without the microbes.” Read More »

RISC daddy conjures Moore's Lawless parallel universe

November 26, 2008

The oft-cited Moore's Law is the fulcrum of the IT industry in that it has provided the means of giving us ever-faster and more sophisticated computing technology over the decades. This in turn allowed the IT industry to convince us that every one, two, or three years, we need new operating systems, better performance, and new and more complex applications. But ask yourself this: What happens to the IT industry if the performance improvements stop? Read More »

Berkeley Lab Team Wins Special ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Algorithm Innovation

November 24, 2008

AUSTIN, Texas — A team of scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has won a prestigious Gordon Bell Prize, sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), for special achievement in high performance computing for their research into the energy harnessing potential of nanostructures. Their method, which was used to predict the efficiency of a new solar cell material, achieved impressive performance and scalability. Read More »

Networking Leaders Announce Initiative to Develop 100 GbE Services

November 18, 2008

AUSTIN, Texas — Internet2, ESnet, Infinera, Juniper Networks and Level 3 Communications today at the annual SC08 conference announced they have agreed to work together to aggressively develop and test emerging 100 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) technologies. The initiative will build on fresh-from-the-laboratory technologies to create a 100 GbE testbed on the Internet2 and ESnet networks with an operational network capability soon thereafter. Read More »

ESnet Completes Construction of Dynamic Science Data Network for Researchers

November 17, 2008

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Science Network (ESnet) has just completed hardware installations for the nation’s first dynamic circuit network dedicated solely to scientific research, called the Science Data Network (SDN). Read More »