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NERSC Releases Software Test for Its Next Supercomputer

September 12, 2008

BERKELEY, Calif.—The Department of Energy’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) is looking for a new supercomputer, but is not willing to spend millions of dollars on just any machine. The computer scientists and engineers want to know that their new supercomputer can reliably handle a diverse scientific workload, so they’ve developed the Sustained System Performance (SSP) Benchmarks, a comprehensive test for any system they consider. Read More »

NOAA Awarded 2.6 Million Processor Hours at NERSC to Run Climate Change Models

September 11, 2008

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science will make available more than 10 million hours of computing time for the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to explore advanced climate change models at three of DOE’s national laboratories as part of a three-year memorandum of understanding on collaborative climate research signed today by the two agencies. Read More »

ESnet4 Helps Researchers Seeking the Origins of Matter

September 9, 2008

Approaching the speed of light, millions of protons will collide per second when the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) comes online this fall. The experiment will generate more data than the international scientific community has ever tried to manage. Scientists suspect the outcome of these “subatomic smashups” will provide valuable insights into the origins of matter and dark energy in the Universe. Read More »

DOE JGI Extends the Capabilities of the Integrated Microbial Genome (IMG) System, Updates the IMG/M Metagenome System, Launches Education Site

September 8, 2008

WALNUT CREEK, CA—The U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI) has extended the capabilities of the Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) data management system, updated the content of the IMG/M metagenome data management and analysis system, and has launched its educational companion site, IMG/EDU. Read More »

Biochemical Pathways Identified in Microbial Community

August 20, 2008

Today’s powerful sequencing machines can rapidly read the genomes of entire communities of microbes, but the challenge is to extract meaningful information from the jumbled reams of data. In a paper posted online in Nature Biotechnology, researchers from the University of Washington, the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and several other institutions describe a novel approach for extracting single genomes and discerning specific microbial capabilities from mixed community (“metagenomic”) sequence data.[1] Read More »

ESnet Names Steve Cotter to Head Network Serving Scientists around the Globe

August 11, 2008

Steve Cotter, who has 10 years of experience in designing and deploying research and commercial networks at the national and international scale, has been named as the new head of ESnet, the Department of Energy’s high-speed network supporting science around the world. Read More »

Kamesh Madduri Is Named 2008 Alvarez Fellow

August 8, 2008

Kamesh Madduri’s interest in computers ignited at age 10, when the first wave of PCs arrived in India and gave him a new medium to play games on. Eventually this fascination grew to include programming, computer science, and finally supercomputers. Read More »

Technology for Speeding Up Searches of Large Databases Wins R&D 100 Award

August 1, 2008

FastBit, an indexing technology that allows users to search massive datasets up to 40 times faster than the best commercially available tools, has been recognized with a 2008 R&D 100 Award. R&D Magazine will present the award to FastBit developers Kesheng “John” Wu, Arie Shoshani, Ekow Otoo, and Kurt Stockinger of the Scientific Data Management Group in Berkeley Lab’s Computational Research Division, at a special October ceremony in Chicago, Ill. (Stockinger has since… Read More »

A Computer for the Clouds

August 1, 2008

PHOTO: Darryl Torckler/Getty Images PHOTO: Darryl Torckler/Getty Images Complexity However pleasing to the eye, clouds are a computational headache because their numerous features can either accelerate or retard warming. These altocumulus clouds form in midatmosphere, at 2000 to 6000 meters. In May an… Read More »

Juan Meza Wins 2008 Blackwell-Tapia Prize and SACNAS Distinguished Scientist Award

July 11, 2008

Dr. Juan C. Meza, Department Head and Senior Scientist for the High Performance Computing Research Department in the Computational Research Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has been named recipient of two awards: the Blackwell-Tapia Prize and the SACNAS Distinguished Scientist Award. Read More »