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Lin-Wang Wang Named APS Fellow

December 1, 2006

The American Physical Society (APS) has named Lin-Wang Wang a fellow in the Division of Computational Physics, an honor bestowed on scientists who have made outstanding contributions in the field. Wang, a member of the Scientific Computing Group within CRD, specializes in nanoscale electronic structure research. His fellowship … Read More »

Paul Concus Gets AIAA Award

December 1, 2006

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has announced that Paul Concus, a member of the Mathematics Department in CRD, is the recipient of the 2007 AIAA Space Processing Award. The award is presented for significant contributions in space processing or in furthering the use of microgravity for space processing. … Read More »

Paxson's Internet Research Earns "Test of Time" Award

November 3, 2006

Working in the fast-paced field of Internet research, Vern Paxson of CRD’s Distributed Systems Department has won the inaugural Test of Time Award from the Special Interest Group on Data Communications (SIGCOMM) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The new award, announced in the current issue of Computer Communication Review (CCR), recognizes research from 10 to 12 years ago that marked a milestone in its field and continues to provide insight today. SIGCOMM recognized… Read More »

Berkeley Lab to Showcase HPC and Networking Leadership in Talks, Demos at SC06

November 1, 2006

Computing and networking experts from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will share their leadership expertise via talks, technical papers and demonstrations at the SC06 conference to be held Nov. 11-17 in Tampa, Fla. Technical Program PresentationsBerkeley Lab is also well represented in the SC06 technical program, with LBNL staff presenting research in technical paper, tutorial and poster sessions, invited talks, workshops and a Birds-of-a-Feather… Read More »

Berkeley Lab’s Computational Science Expertise Recognized under SciDAC-2 Program

September 7, 2006

Berkeley Lab’s expertise and leadership in computational science was recognized and rewarded Sept. 7, 2006, when DOE Under Secretary for Science Ray Orbach announced the second round of projects under the Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) program, to be funded at $60 million per year. The SciDAC program, launched in 2001, brings together some of the nation’s top researchers at national laboratories and universities to create the software and infrastructure needed to… Read More »

Steve Cotter Named New Head of ESnet

August 1, 2006

Steve Cotter will be supporting science around the world as the new head of ESnet, the Department of Energy’s high-speed network, beginning Friday, August 29. For more than a decade, Cotter has designed and deployed networks, for both research and commercial use, at home and abroad. Most recently, he served as Google’s network deployment manager for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. At ESnet, he succeeds Bill Johnston, who is retiring from Berkeley Lab after more than 35… Read More »

Researcher discusses iPod supercomputer

May 9, 2006

Along with a research team from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Shalf is designing a supercomputer based on low-power embedded microprocessors, which has the sole purpose of improving global climate change predictions. Read More »

Two CRD Staff in SIAM Leadership Positions

May 1, 2006

Juan Meza, head of CRD’s High Performance Computing Research Department, and Esmond Ng, leader of the Scientific Computing Group, were recently named to leadership positions in the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. [image class="right"… Read More »

New Microbial Metagenome Data Analysis System in Production

May 1, 2006

An experimental metagenomics data management and analysis system co-developed by the Biological Data Management and Technology Center (BDMTC) at Berkeley Lab with the Genome Biology Program and Microbial Ecology Program at DOE’s Joint Genome Institute and released earlier this year is also already helping produce scientific discoveries.Called IMG/M, the system extends the Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) system with the ability to integrate and analyze metagenome data, and has provided… Read More »

Berkeley Lab Researchers Analyze Performance, Potential of Cell Processor

May 1, 2006

Though it was designed as the heart of the upcoming Sony PlayStation3 game console, the STI Cell processor has created quite a stir in the computational science community, where the processor’s potential as a building block for high performance computers has been widely discussed and speculated upon. To evaluate Cell’s potential, computer scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory evaluated the processor’s performance in running several… Read More »