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Berkeley Lab Researchers Receive Recovery Act Funds to Help Improve Reliability of Electrical Grid

September 1, 2009

BERKELEY, CA– The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkely Lab) announced today that mathematicians from its Computational Research Division (CRD) are receiving Recovery Act funds to help increase the reliability of the electrical grid and improve the nation's ability to respond to energy disruptions. By advancing the technologies needed to implement a smart grid, Berkeley researchers will play an important role in avoiding costly, cascading blackouts like the August 2003 blackout that… Read More »

CRD Receives Funding to Develop Tools for Science Research

August 31, 2009

In the next few months, researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Computational Research Division (CRD) will receive funding to develop tools that will help facilitate science breakthroughs in a variety of disciplines from astrophysics to geology and beyond. Read More »

Code controls communication to boost computer performance

August 27, 2009

As high-performance computers bring more power to programmers, communication often limits an operation’s overall speed. Read More »

Aleksandar Donev Is Named 2009 Alvarez Fellow

August 24, 2009

Aleksandar Donev's interest in scientific computing sparked in high school after a science competition challenged him to write a molecular dynamics code. He's been hooked ever since. Now he joins the Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences as a prestigious 2009 Luis W. Alvarez Postdoctoral Fellow. Read More »

Through difficulty, Berkeley Lab’s Cecilia Aragon soars to the stars

August 20, 2009

Cecilia Aragon is giving wing to a new way of doing science. It’s not simply an improved tool or technique. Rather, Aragon aims to launch our cognitive abilities into unexplored territory by combining the number-crunching power of computing with the uniquely human talent for pattern recognition. - See more at: http://ascr-discovery.science.doe.gov/newfaces/aragon1.shtml#sthash.k2RloXMf.dpuf Read More »

Berkeley Lab’s ESnet Receives $62 Million to Develop World’s Fastest Computer Network

August 10, 2009

BERKELEY, CA — As scientists in a wide variety of disciplines increasingly rely on supercomputers and collaboration with colleagues around the world to advance their research, managing and sharing the mountain of data generated by their investigations will soon become a choking point. In order to facilitate such data-intensive research, ESnet, the Department of Energy’s high-performance networking facility managed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, is receiving $62 million to develop what will be the world’s fastest computer network, designed specifically to support science. Read More »

Increase in IO Bandwidth to Enhance Future Understanding of Climate Change

August 6, 2009

Results: Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)—in collaboration with the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) located at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, and Cray—recently achieved an effective aggregate IO bandwidth of 5 Gigabytes/sec for writing output from a global atmospheric model to shared files on DOE's "Franklin," a 39,000-processor Cray XT4 supercomputer located at NERSC. The work is part of a… Read More »

NERSC Expands the Frontiers of Science

August 5, 2009

The Department of Energy's (DOE) National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Center recently accepted a series of upgrades to its Cray XT4 supercomputer, named Franklin, providing the facility's 3,000 users with twice as many processor cores and an expanded file system for scientific research. From nuclear physics to material sciences, the additional resources have already facilitated breakthrough in a variety of disciplines. Read More »

National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) Awards Supercomputer Contract to Cray

August 5, 2009

BERKELEY, CA - The Department of Energy's (DOE) National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory announced today that a contract for its next generation supercomputing system will be awarded to Cray Inc. The multi-year supercomputing contract includes delivery of a Cray XT5™ massively parallel processor supercomputer, which will be upgraded to a future-generation Cray supercomputer. When completed, the new system will deliver a peak performance of more than one petaflops, equivalent to more than one quadrillion calculations per second. Read More »

ESnet's OSCARS Allows Users to Reserve Bandwidth

July 31, 2009

Most network traffic is transmitted on a “best effort” basis, meaning that there's a pretty good chance the packets will arrive as intended. But for the Department of Energy (DOE) researchers around the world who are sharing massive scientific datasets, the “best” just isn't good enough. Now, researchers can reserve bandwidth on Energy Sciences Network's (ESnet) circuit-oriented Science Data Network, with the On-Demand Secure Circuit and Advance Reservation System (OSCARS). Read More »