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Chombo-Crunch Sinks Its Teeth into Fluid Dynamics

May 11, 2015

Berkeley Lab scientists are breaking new ground in the modeling of complex flows in energy and oil and gas applications, thanks to a computational fluid dynamics and transport code dubbed “Chombo-Crunch.” Read More »

CRD's Daniela Ushizima Receives DOE Early Career Award

May 6, 2015

Daniela Ushizima, a computational scientist in the Computational Research Division (CRD) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has received a 2015 Early Career Research Program award from the Department of Energy’s Office of Science. The award will fund research into developing new methods to help scientists extract more information from digital images produced by experiments studying materials such as ceramics and geological samples at the Department of Energy (DOE) facilities. Read More »

ESnet, Coalition Partners Announce Global Breakthrough for Software-Defined Networking

May 6, 2015

Menlo Park, Calif., May 6, 2015 – A coalition comprising the Open Networking Operating System (ONOS) Project, the Open Networking Foundation (ONF), Corsa Technology (Corsa), ESnet, AARNet and CSIRO today announced the successful deployment of an ONOS-based software-defined peering router. The router located at AARNet/CSIRO in Australia exchanges routes with the Vandervecken software-defined networking (SDN) controller stack at ESnet in California and uses high performance data planes… Read More »

Mathematician James Glimm to Give May 13 Talk on Numerical Models of Subgrid Physics

May 5, 2015

Noted mathematician James Glimm will discuss “Numerical Models of Subgrid Physics” in a Computing Sciences seminar at 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 13, in the Bldg. 50 auditorium. Glimm, a distinguished professor at Stony Brook University in New York, has made fundamental contributions to nonlinear analysis, quantum field theory and computational fluid dynamics. He also heads the Computational Science Center at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Abstract for His Talk “Turbulence remains a major… Read More »

New Employee Profile - May 2015

May 1, 2015

Introducing Brian Friesen Read More »

Yelick Addresses National Science Bowl Contestants

May 1, 2015

Every spring, 16 teams of high school students converge on Washington, D.C., to compete in the National Science Bowl after winning their regional competitions. This year, Computing Sciences Associate Lab Director Kathy Yelick was an invited speaker for the event. Read More »

NERSC, Cray Move Forward With Next-Generation Scientific Computing

April 22, 2015

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Center and Cray Inc. announced today that they have finalized a new contract for a Cray XC40 supercomputer that will be the first NERSC system installed in the newly built Computational Research and Theory facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This supercomputer will be used as Phase 1 of NERSC’s next-generation system named “Cori” in honor of bio-chemist and Nobel Laureate Gerty… Read More »

Electrolyte Genome Could Be Battery Game-Changer

April 15, 2015

The Materials Project hosted at NERSC is taking some of the guesswork out of discovering new battery catalysts with a project called the Electrolyte Genome. The result is a dramatic speedup in the discovery timeline. Read More »

Berkeley’s James Demmel Honored as an ACM Computing Innovator

April 14, 2015

James Demmel was honored by ACM for his work on numerical linear algebra libraries, including LAPACK (Linear Algebra Package), a standard software library that forms part of the standard mathematical libraries for many vendors. Read More »

Lab Hosts HPC Broader Community Engagement Workshop

April 13, 2015

Last week, participants from underrepresented groups in high performance computing (HPC) attended a two-day workshop at Berkeley Lab to improve their research presentation skills in preparation for SC15. The workshop's aim was to involve more people from underrepresented groups in the main technical track of the annual supercomputing conference by providing training and assistance for submitting to the technical program poster session. It covered training and discussion on organizing… Read More »