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Gravitational Form Factors Illuminate Substructure of the Proton

July 15, 2024

Using simulations performed on NERSC’s Perlmutter system, a team of researchers used lattice quantum chromodynamics (lattice QCD) to understand for the first time certain aspects of how quarks and gluons form the structure of the proton. Read More »

Zaida McCunney Retires After 25 Years at Berkeley Lab

July 8, 2024

NERSC Administrative Supervisor Zaida McCunney retired at the end of June after a long career at Berkeley Lab. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Researchers Advance AI-Driven Plant Root Analysis

June 20, 2024

As part of an investigation to help boost agricultural yields and develop crops that are resilient to climate change, Berkeley Lab scientists developed RhizoNet, a computational tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to transform how we study plant roots and discover new insights into root behavior under various environmental conditions. Read More »

SciData Director Kupresanin Honored as ASA Fellow

June 14, 2024

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s (Berkeley Lab’s) Director of the Scientific Data Division, Ana Kupresanin, was selected for the American Statistical Association’s (ASA’s) 2024 Fellow cohort. The ASA honored Kupresanin for her exceptional statistical leadership in addressing critical national security challenges, amplifying the influence of statistical methods within the National Lab system, and mentoring the next generation of statisticians. ASA Fellow nominees are evaluated and… Read More »

DIII-D National Fusion Facility, NERSC, AMCR, and ESnet Collaboration Speeds Nuclear Fusion Research

May 29, 2024

This "Superfacility" collaboration enables near-real-time analysis of massive quantities of important data during fusion experiments, allowing tailoring of the experimental process — and accelerating the pace of discovery. Read More »

The Power of Numerical Analysis in Quantum Chemistry

May 28, 2024

Two Berkeley-based mathematicians, including Dr. Lin Lin of the AMCR division, are using coupled cluster theory to better define the role of finite-size error in materials simulation, underscoring the importance of numerical analysis in science. Read More »

Unraveling Brain Complexity

May 22, 2024

A SciData collaboration unveils an interpretable AI model and research that sheds light on a captivating discovery: the brain is a dual marvel. It acts as a dynamic system, seamlessly orchestrating our perception, thoughts, and actions, while simultaneously functioning as a high-powered computing engine, deftly processing sensory, cognitive, and behavioral information. Read More »

Celebration Spotlights Phil Colella’s Remarkable DOE Career

May 15, 2024

On April 19, applied mathematician Phillip Colella’s colleagues, collaborators, mentors, and mentees convened at Berkeley Lab’s Wang Hall to celebrate an illustrious career that has spanned more than four decades. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Dives into HPC’s Future at ISC 2024

May 7, 2024

From keynote sessions to tutorials, BOFs, and workshops, Berkeley Lab is bringing its HPC expertise to the ISC High Performance 2024 Conference. Read More »

NERSC Aids Hunt for "Cracks" in the Standard Model

May 2, 2024

With the help of computing power from NERSC, researchers from the Majorana Collaboration – which includes more than 50 researchers from more than 20 institutions in four countries – used detectors at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota, to search for violations of quantum mechanics. Read More »