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SMART Algorithm Makes Beamline Data Collection Smarter

August 28, 2019

Researchers in Berkeley Lab's CAMERA have been working with beamline scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory to develop and test SMART, a mathematical method that enables autonomous experimental decision making without human interaction. Read More »

‘Beyond Moore’ Kicks into Gear with Town Hall

August 20, 2019

A broad cross-section of scientists gathered for a Microelectronics Town Hall where they discussed a range of cross-disciplinary efforts in support of the Lab’s “Beyond Moore’s Law” research initiative. Read More »

CS Staff Share IDEAs on Equity, Accountability

August 20, 2019

Computing Sciences joined other satellite locations around the lab participating in a call for thoughts on equity, the “e” in Berkeley Lab’s IDEA. Next week's topic is accountability. Read More »

HPC Innovation Excellence Award Showcases Physics-based Scientific Discovery in Large Data Sets

August 16, 2019

A collaboration that includes researchers from NERSC was recently honored with an HPC Innovation Excellence Award for their work on “Physics-Based Unsupervised Discovery of Coherent Structures in Spatiotemporal Systems.” Read More »

First Monterey Data Conference does Deep Dive into Deep Learning for Science

August 13, 2019

The Computing Sciences Area at Berkeley Lab joined forces with the Association for High Speed Computing to organize and support the inaugural Monterey Data Conference, held August 5-8 in Monterey, Calif. Read More »

2019 Summer Students Wrap-Up

August 6, 2019

Computing Sciences' record-breaking cadre of summer student researchers presented posters about their work here at the lab. The poster session is the capstone event of their summer experiences at the lab. Read More »

Industry, Berkeley Lab Partner to Build Energy Efficiency into Paint Design

August 5, 2019

Through DOE's HPC4Mfg program, PPG - one of the world's largest paint manufacturers - is collaborating with applied mathematicians in the Computational Research Division on computational models that will help optimize paint design and application to reduce energy consumption. Read More »

New Employee Profiles - June/July

July 31, 2019

Brief profiles of Computing Sciences staff who recently joined NERSC, CRD and ESnet. Read More »

DL4Sci Puts New Data Analysis Tools into Researchers' Hands

July 29, 2019

NERSC recently hosted its first Deep Learning for Science School, with more than 175 scientists and students from DOE labs and university research groups participating in the week-long workshop, Read More »

Berkeley Lab Deep Learning Expertise Draws Attention at International Climatology Meeting

July 24, 2019

Berkeley Lab’s growing expertise in applying machine learning methods to extreme weather event studies led to invitations to present at the 2019 International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, a prestigious event held only every three years. Read More »