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ESnet Summer Students: Mentoring The Next Generation of Network Engineers

August 14, 2018

Summer student interns have a lot to offer Berkeley Lab: they are motivated, energetic and can bring fresh perspectives to old problems. They also represent the next generation of researchers and engineers. To capture the best talent, ESnet has built an internship program that operates as a student-to-staff pipeline, channeling not only talent but diversity into Berkeley Lab, said Patricia Giuntoli, area lead for Networking and Systems at ESnet.“Diversity is important in order to have unique… Read More »

Tess Smidt, “Atomic Architect” and 2018 Luis Alvarez Fellow

July 30, 2018

To non-scientists, Tess Smidt describes herself as an “atomic architect.” And as Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s (Berkeley Lab’s) 2018 Luis W. Alvarez Fellow in Computing Sciences, Smidt is designing a neural network that can automatically generate novel atomic crystal structures. Read More »

Berkeley Lab-Developed Digital Library is a Game Changer for Environmental Research

July 24, 2018

Developed by Berkeley Lab researchers, ESS-DIVE is a new digital archive that serves as a repository for hundreds of U.S. Department of Energy-funded research projects under the agency’s Environmental System Science umbrella. Read More »

New ECP Co-Design Center to Focus on Exascale Machine Learning

July 20, 2018

The Exascale Computing Project has initiated ExaLearn, a new ECP co-design center focusing on exascale machine-learning software. Berkeley Lab is one of eight national labs participating. Read More »

NIST Leaders Visit Berkeley Lab to Discuss Quantum Information Science

July 19, 2018

Today representatives from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) visited Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley to present an overview of the latest developments at NIST and to take part in a discussion on elements of a national strategy for quantum information science. Read More »

Univ. of Puerto Rico Team Applies Deep Learning to Structural Biology

July 19, 2018

It’s all about opportunity, according to Dan Rosa de Jesús and Julián Cuevas, two students from the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez (UPRM) who are spending their summer in Computing Sciences at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) learning everything they can about deep learning and how it can improve protein structure prediction, a grand challenge in structural biology. The two came to the lab in June as part of the Sustainable Research Pathways (SRP) internship… Read More »

Kathy Yelick Testifies on 'Big Data Challenges and Advanced Computing Solutions'

July 12, 2018

Kathy Yelick, Associate Laboratory Director for Computing Sciences at Berkeley Lab, was one of four witnesses testifying before the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Science, Space, and Technology at 7 a.m. PDT / 10 a.m. EDT on Thursday, July 12. The discussion focused on big-data challenges and advanced computing solutions. Data-driven scientific discovery is poised to deliver breakthroughs across many disciplines, and the U.S. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Hosts Eight CSGF Fellows in 2018

July 2, 2018

This year, Berkeley Lab will be hosting eight Computational Science Graduate Fellows. These represent some of the nation’s brightest graduate students in computational science, each pursing a PhD in a field that uses HPC to solve complex science and engineering problems. Read More »

Berkeley Lab CS Staff Play Integral Role in ISC18

June 21, 2018

Numerous Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences staff will be participating in the ISC18 conference June 24-28 in Frankfurt, Germany. Read More »

Berkeley Researchers Use Machine Learning to Search Science Data

June 19, 2018

Science Search, a web-based search engine for scientific data is currently being developed by a team of researchers in Berkeley Lab's CRD and NERSC. The team is also developing innovative machine learning tools to pull contextual information from scientific datasets and automatically generate missing metadata tags for each file. As a proof-of-concept, the team is working with staff at the Molecular Foundry, to demonstrate the concepts of Science Search on the images captured by the facility's instruments.
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