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Mobiliti: A Game Changer for Analyzing Traffic Congestion

February 22, 2019

Berkeley Lab researchers have developed a software tool that uses supercomputing resources at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center to accurately simulate traffic flow throughout the San Francisco Bay Area road networks and provide estimates of the associated congestion, energy usage, and productivity loss. Read More »

NERSC Tape Archives Make the Move to Berkeley Lab

February 8, 2019

NERSC has embarked on a two-year archival data transfer project from its former home in Oakland, Calif. to two new tape libraries in Berkeley Lab's Shyh Wang Hall. Read More »

New Employee Profiles - November/December 2018

January 29, 2019

Brief profiles of Computing Sciences staff who joined the organization in November and December 2018. Read More »

Lab Hosts Upward Bound Students

January 17, 2019

Yuba Colleges students and chaperones wrap up their tour of the machine room with a group shot with Cori. Students from the Yuba College Upward Bound program visited Berkeley Lab on Friday, January 11, where they learned about high-performance computing and networking, then toured the NERSC machine room and the Advanced Light Source. In all, 28 students and chaperones participated in the visit, which was hosted by the lab's Federal and Community Relations Office. Upward Bound is… Read More »

Lab Staff Present at Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting

January 8, 2019

Staff from Computing Sciences and other lab divisions will share their expertise in two plenary talks, five tutorials, 15 breakout discussion sessions and 20 posters at the 2019 Exascale Computing Project (ECP) Annual Meeting being held Jan. 14-18 in Houston. The meeting will highlight technical accomplishments being supported by interactions and collaborations within the ECP community, which encompasses the ECP focus areas, Department of Energy high-performance computing facilities and… Read More »

IceCube Research Garners Best Paper Award at IEEE Machine Learning Conference

December 21, 2018

NERSC and Berkeley Lab staff were among the co-authors on a neural network paper that won the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications in Orlando, FL this month. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Cybersecurity Specialist Highlights Data Sharing Benefits, Challenges at NAS Meeting

December 4, 2018

Sean Peisert, chief cybersecurity researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, recently gave an invited talk on the challenges of data sharing in biomedical science at a meeting of the Committee on Science, Engineering, Medicine, and Public Policy, a joint unit of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and the National Academy of Medicine. Read More »

CRD Scientists Bell, Colella Receive Lab Lifetime Achievement Awards

December 3, 2018

John Bell and Phil Colella of Berkeley Lab's Computational Research Division (CRD) each received the 2018 Berkeley Lab Prize – Lifetime Achievement Award at a special ceremony on Nov. 30. Read More »

Four College Teams to Converge at Berkeley Lab for DOE CyberForce Competition

November 28, 2018

Four teams of students from California colleges will square off at Berkeley Lab on Dec. 1 as part of the DOE’s fourth collegiate CyberForce Competition. The event aims to address the cybersecurity capability gap and increase awareness around energy critical infrastructure. Read More »

NSF’s MSGI Program Opens Doors for Math Sciences Grad Students

November 27, 2018

Since 2017, Berkeley Lab has hosted several budding mathematicians through the National Science Foundation's Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship program. Applications for 2019 are being accepted through January 15. Read More »