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The 20th Century Reanalysis Project: A Climate Time-Machine

January 25, 2011

From the hurricane that smashed into New York in 1938 to the impact of the Krakatoa eruption of 1883, the late 19th and 20th centuries are rich with examples of extreme weather. Now an international team of climatologists have created a comprehensive reanalysis of all global weather events from 1871 to the present day, and from the earth's surface to the jet stream level. Read More »

NERSC Users Unlock the Secret of a Rechargeable Heat Battery

January 11, 2011

Broadly speaking, there have been two approaches to capturing the sun's energy: photovoltaics, which turn the sunlight into electricity, or solar-thermal systems, which concentrate the sun's heat and use it to boil water to turn a turbine, or use the heat directly for hot water or home heating. Read More »

Planck Mission Peels Back Layers of Universe

January 11, 2011

The Planck mission released today a new catalog of data from its initial maps of the entire sky. The catalogue includes everything from thousands of never-before-seen dusty cocoons where stars are forming, to some of the most massive clusters of galaxies. Planck is a European Space Agency mission with significant contributions from NASA. Read More »

DOE Booth Presentations by Berkeley Lab Staff

At the DOE booth (1939) at the SC14 conference, Berkeley Lab staff will give featured talks, present demonstrations and host roundtable discussions. Here’s a look at them” Read More »

Science Data Pilots: An Infrastructure to Harness Big Science Data

DOE highlights Science Data Pilots at SC14 booth #1939. Read More »

ESnet to Support Wide Range of Demos at SC14

When an estimated 10,000 high performance computing and networking experts from around the world converge on New Orleans for the SC14 conference looking for the latest developments, ESnet will play a major role in keeping everyone connected. A number of demonstrations at the conference will also be supported by ESnet, including a project led by Caltech to demonstrate terabit-level networking. Read More »

New Employee Profiles - December 2014

Introducing Tan Nguyen, Zach Harlan and Kerri Peyovich. Read More »

New Employee Profiles: Jan 2015

Introducing Fernando Perez, Megha Sandesh, Huda Qureshi and Devarshi Ghoshal. Read More »